For weeks now the intensity of energy has been increasing. When the Full Moon waxed onto the Galactic Center this past Monday, it seemed as though the portal opened and everything we’ve been experiencing came pouring through at a pace that suggests we are being prepared for our next level – collectively and individually.

While that sounds dramatic (and may feel ever more so), the experience need not be alarming. We have time to flow with the changes should we choose to do so. We have access to a magic that lives through us.

Are you ready to shift gears into a more gentle powerful energy?

With the Sun moving through Cancer now, it’s time to remember the waves of nurturing that are available for us. It is this time of year where we especially honor emotional power, compassion, and intimacy.

With Uranus’ entry into Taurus, sustainable love and living is being upgraded. How are your self-care tools holding up? What do you know works? What will work better?

Summer Solstice is a time of celebration, of remembering our place in the cosmos and how blessed we are to have the light of mid-summer to guide us as we continue to nurture growth. Whether that growth is internal or external, the long days bring creative energy. The extended light also brings reminders to deepen our ties to Mother Earth, to our beloveds, and to our own nourishment.

Here are a couple of options for honoring this special time of year:

  • Write in your gratitude journal or write thank you notes to those you cherish including yourself.
  • Take a long hot bath, jump into the ocean, or stand by a stream letting the water’s negative ions wash away stress & anxiety.
  • Enjoy a nearby Farmer’s Market, taking your time to smell fresh herbs, fruits and veggies.
  • Plan and create a homecooked meal (maybe after the market!) and share with loved ones.
  • Listen to your intuition – your inner voice has a lot of truth to share.
  • Pull cards from your favorite tarot deck and place them on an altar allowing the energy to settle and reform into something new.

Welcome to all new readers! I am delighted to have met so many new people this year – thank you for trusting me as a part of your personal and professional growth path! I love discussing your cycles of magic, mystery and power!

As I review the first half of the year, it would be easy to focus on the deaths, the illnesses and my current recovery from injury – each month has presented me with something that has ‘taken me down’ to the depths of grief or anger or a ‘questioning of it all’.

But truthfully, when I really drop deep into what have been my most favorite parts of this year, I have many more highlights than challenges! One of the blessings of Jupiter’s current transit in Sagittarius is a reminder to stay optimistic while also being authentic about what is true. Pain, sorrow, grief – they all have their place at the Jovian table right alongside joy and laughter. (I will share more about this transit – the retrograde and turning – and its impact in a soon-to-be-written newsletter).

Many of my favorite moments of 2019 (so far) include strengthening bonds of love (even through adversity or maybe because of that); relishing tea, tarot, and nature; witnessing and deepening with my Sensuous Wisdom™ sisters; listening to music; having great conversation with fascinating people; and sipping chocolate (of course!).

Creating that list brings a smile to my face and helps me feel joy on every level.

All of my favorite moments include deeper levels of intimacy than I could not have imagined 6 months ago but have been working towards my entire life.

This journey of learning intimacy is part of the transit of the North Node in Cancer (which has been opposite Pluto planet of deep transformation this week meaning also that the South Node is conjunct Pluto – this is why so many of us are healing lots of OLD patterns and beliefs right now – I’ll write more about that later, too).

As we move through the Solstice weekend, let’s empower each other with love, with truth, and with reminders of our connectedness.

With that in mind, I am grateful for the growing group of women who meet for the Wake Up with Your Inner Goddess & Create Magic Virtual Retreat each month. Our 2 year anniversary is this next new moon in Cancer! We have room for you, if you are interested. I’m also thinking of expanding to incorporate other time zones by offering an additional retreat each month.

You can read more here. We create a sacred and safe space for sharing at any level that feels good for you. I also have options for you to create the magic and ritual on your own, if that feels more aligned with what you want right now.

May the Solstice remind you of the Light you are in each moment!

Sending you all love!

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