Waking up with all kinds of feelings this morning as this Scorpio Full Moon begins its journey to eclipse in a couple of hours…I feel tender, vulnerable, alive and joyful and in touch with both deep grief and gratitude.

This Full Moon eclipse on the Taurus-Scorpio axis on Solar Beltane is the culmination of a process that started about 18 months ago on November 19, 2021 with a Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus. The Moon is an amazing teacher and guide. If we look back at late 2021 and look at what was put into motion at that time, we can honor ourselves and our journey in powerful ways.

Because this is a very personal eclipse for me (conjunct my Neptune), I’m going to leave the global reflections to others. Right now, I’m aware of how deep this moon is asking me to go as I feel deep grief and overwhelming gratitude while I continue to heal in my body, mind, heart and soul. Here are some of my thoughts that I hope will support you through this weekend:

  1. What have I let go of in the last 18 months?
  2. How am I grieving the losses and celebrating the shifts?
  3. What do I need to let go of today?
  4. How might I celebrate all of the learning and changes that I am experiencing right now?

Taurus is embodied Love, Beauty, Art, Value, Resources. The Sun is illuminating the need for me to Love my Body (one of my greatest resources) even more right now.

  1. How might I honor my body with more love?
  2. What messages have I been sending my body?
  3. What messages is it sending me?
  4. In what ways am I radiating beauty?
  5. In what ways am I receiving love?

Scorpio is the Mystery, Intuition, Death, Rebirth. The Moon is reminding us to honor all those who came before us, those whose lives precipitated our own as well as deepening into our own intuitive power and healing.

  1. What do I need to ‘do’ in order to ‘be’?
  2. What messages and feelings are coming through when I sit silent and listen? (silent and listen have the same letters – just rearranged!)
  3. How might I honor my connection to the Cosmos today (and every day)?
  4. What is best for my healing journey (body, mind, heart, soul, relationships including self, others, earth, resources)?
  5. What magic is right in front of me?

Honestly, this moon and eclipse are truly profound. Simplifying is just a way of offering a key to open the first door to the pathway that leads to a portal that leads to what is next.

As we journey together, I am sending you all much magic & love.

(Photo: this is the apple tree outside our home. This image is tangible reminder of not only this Beltane Full Moon but of the ongoing beauty of life, love and the mystery)

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