Saturday, October 14th at 10:55 am Pacific 21º08’
It’s taken me all week to formulate what I want to share with you about how to prepare for the Libra New Moon and Solar Eclipse tomorrow. Thank you for waiting.
This image is a powerful representation of Hecate, a triple of goddess representing the different paths we can take (hopefully) with wisdom.
Current events affect us all. And with the Libra energy, we are definitely called to cultivate peace and wisdom.
When I was young, my mother took us to a church where at the end of the service, we joined hands and sang “Let Peace Begin with Me.” This morning (in the shower!), I found myself singing the first verse (all I could remember) for the first time in at least 4 decades. Not surprisingly, I felt better as I let my tears and the water intermingle while my voice created vibrations that opened my heart that much more.
The lyrics I sang over and over:
… Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me
Let There Be Peace on Earth
The peace that was meant to be
If there was ever a better time for us all to join in prayers for peace in song, in silence, in speaking … whatever suits you … this New Moon is it…
Libra is most often associated with partnership (and beginning with oneself is the best way!) and beauty. It is also the sign of alignment, harmony, equilibrium and peace. How we experience these qualities is often through the process of working through imbalance of some kind.
Libra is ruled by Venus and so, of course, Love comes to mind as one of the most powerful active choices we can make. Each of you has your way of deepening into Love and I am grateful.
New Moons are always powerful. The days before the New Moon are the Dark Moon. We are always invited to release during the dark of the moon. It’s the perfect time to listen, to honor, and to tune into our most vulnerable feelings. During the New Moon (which is just barely a sliver), we can set new intentions, plant seeds (metaphorically or really), and listen again to what wants to grow in our lives.
Eclipses are portals that create openings and closings. As we prepare for the next 2 weeks (another eclipse on October 28 during the Taurus Full Moon), we will be letting go and letting in almost simultaneously. Change happens during eclipses. And it happens more quickly than we might expect.
Another aspect of a solar eclipse is the literal darkening the sky during the day. Examining the shadows is a vital part of the season as Libra highlights the dynamic of light and dark. And the Ring of Fire Eclipse is a dynamic representation!
Looking into the mirror and seeing what is reflected back to you is one of the first keys to Libra. That may sound easy, but the process can cause a bit of a stir. Listen carefully to the first thoughts you have. What are you saying to yourself? Would you say that to another?
Libra helps us to see not just what is in mirror, but what is behind our reflection (if we look far enough). What parts of ourselves have we dis-owned? Are we playing ‘fair’? or How might we integrate these ‘past parts’ to create a more full expression of our authentic selves?
During a Libra New Moon, we are invited to be our most authentic selves – balancing our shadows and our light. We have the opportunity to step fully into our truth and authenticity shine with a diamond-like essence.
What to consider in preparation for the Libra New Moon:
  • Where do you want to create more equilibrium in your life?
  • What shadows are present and alive right now?
  • Which relationships are healthy?
  • Which relationships want more attention?
  • Which relationships want to complete?
  • How are you honoring your inner balance and outer harmony?
As we gather to deepen into our inner work during this new moon, we can also implement actions that support the world around us. Actions are as individual as we are so please choose what is most genuine for you. Whether you sit in silence, rest, paint, sing, or use your voice in other ways, you are contributing.
That is real magic.
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