Ritual Suggestion:

To honor our Inner Goddesses and the Sagittarius Goddesses, we will start with honoring the Mother Owl. She will be our guide as we journey.

Sagittarius is often aligned with Athena whose symbol is the owl.

When I found this image https://www.tumblr.com/search/sacred%20owl, I knew that this was She, the One, who held the wisdom of the ages along with a generous and loving spirit. Her welcoming arms and wings allow us to snuggle in for the winter.


She reminds me of a Sheila Na Gig which takes me back to my trip to Ireland last year. Deepening into the roots of my Celtic Goddess culture feels nurturing and strengthening.

This Mother Owl opens herself to all souls who wish to be nourished in her depths.

To connect with any of these goddess energies, you might consider the following ritual during the dark of the moon (this can be during the day just before the New Moon):

  1. Select a quiet area where you will not be disturbed. A forest would be ideal (an inner forest works just as well).
  2. Create a small altar with a candle, crystal, and something that represents nourishment and wisdom.
  3. Center yourself and surround yourself with protection. Consider the ancient energy and wisdom of healing that moves through you – how do you express this in your life right now? Can you feel this healing energy surrounding you?
  4. Consider what feels clear in your life right now.
  5. As you move into a meditative space (you can start with connecting to the earth’s core, accessing your womb space and breathing into your belly), ask your Inner Goddess:
  • How am I in alignment with my wisest self?
  • How might I integrate my shadows?
  • How am I cultivating abundance within myself?
  • In what ways am I honoring the truth and sharing it boldly through my stories?
  1. Listen
  2. Remember any image, sound, feeling, scent, or sensation.
  3. Journal your experience.
  4. Thank your Inner Goddess and The Mother Owl.
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