Monday, September 6th 5:52 pm PDT

We are preparing for a new moon in Virgo – the sign of the temple priestess, healer and natural counselor.

Virgo essence is that of love, healing, and nourishment. Virgos remind us that how we live our daily life, how we serve others, and how we approach our work can be an outward example of our inner temple.

Virgos are often very busy. They are diligent, caring, efficient and in service to a higher cause such as a healing art, the Earth, or other people’s health and well-being. They care very deeply even if they are not as openly expressive of their emotion as their astro-neighbor, Leo.

In whatever her chosen profession, the Virgo goddess maintains a standard of excellence that is outstanding. She is often the best because she chooses to be at her best – being in service to those who are in need.

Prioritizing self-care is an absolute must. So, wherever Virgo is in your chart, ask yourself how you can support this area of your life so you can be at your best.

As we enter into the Virgo New Moon, we are connecting with an energy that has been recognized through all cultures throughout all time: Earth Energy. So many cultures revere the goddess of Nature and the art is often resplendent with reminders that we are inhabiting this world together!

Virgo’s association with details stems from its Earth Element and its ruler, Mercury – the Messenger. Communication is the cornerstone of any relationship. Getting the details as right as you can (not necessarily perfect!) is important.

The lunar cycle starting with the Virgo New Moon invites our prayers to become more graceful, more detailed, and more intentional. Trust that you have as many details as you need and then: Let Go.

Part of the Virgo spectrum of learning is Faith since the other side is Pisces. So, trusting and letting go are as essential as getting those intentions as sparkly as you can.

This is a great time to offer healing prayers for those who you know are in need – this new moon will nourish them – including our Earth and all who are here!

Virgos (this includes Virgo Moon, Virgo Rising AND people with a lot of planets in the 6th house who are not really Virgos but working with that energy all the time) experience a desire to help others address their issues much like a combination of a ‘first responder’ and a long-term support team. Observe how graciously they offer to help and how they make their support look easeful. They are designed to get the job done!

So, of course, these individuals need extra self-care, love, and support. Mutual reciprocity is oft longed-for by those who take on service each day of their lives. If you know a Virgo, reach out – find out what they might need or want especially during this lunar month!

As we move into the Virtual Temple, we will be calling on the ancient temple priestesses to join us, to support us, and to remind us of who we are.

It’s time to make sense of your life in practical ways.

  • How are you showing up to take care of your health?
  • How are you nourishing yourself and your loved ones?
  • How are you addressing the responsibilities of your daily life?
  • How are you mindfully engaging in your life?
  • How are you sensually connecting with healing energy?
  • What changes do you want to make that support your life’s purpose?
  • What is your relationship with ‘work’ and ‘your work’?



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