The New Moon in Cancer
Friday, July 9th, 2021
18º 02’, exact at 6:17 pm Pacific

Image: Even with a Reverse Image Search, I could identify the artist of this fabulous piece of art!

Reconnecting with our power, our vulnerability, our strength and our foundation is our invitation for this upcoming New Moon!

This art really spoke to me about the power of the goddess within (and those who represent us in different ways!). Representing Yamoja, the Yoruban goddess of protection, nurturing and fertility, this image can also serve as a powerful illustration of the watery depths and powerful sensitivity of Cancer.

As you know, with so many goddesses to choose from, I look for images with the energy that I feel arriving with the particular new moon. I feel the intensity of her gaze, the power in her body, and the connection to all of the worlds. The blues are calming and her presence magnetic.

Cancer New Moons remind us to create ‘home’ from the ‘inside out’. Our foundations must be nourished in order for us to move into the ‘world’. Our inner worlds must be tended to in order for our outer worlds to reflect what we most desire.

Family matters. In all the ways that you can read those two words together, family is a powerful theme of this New Moon. As we consider our earth family, we can also look to our ancestors for guidance and support and ‘lessons learned’ during this time. This is a powerful new moon in which to connect to those who have left us their legacies. Not all legacies are positive, but all require self-knowledge and healing to either embrace or release. You may have a combination of both to consider!

I am ever more aware of the need for time, reflection, self-care, and understanding the power of intuition!

Listening is a beautiful Cancerian trait. If you have a friend who is a Cancer or has a Cancer Moon or Cancer Rising, you know this firsthand!

Listening to your Soul’s calling is powerfully supported with Pluto in a (very) wide opposition to this New Moon. And even if it wasn’t, I recommend listening to your soul every New Moon (or every day if you can!).

Loving all aspects of yourself with powerful passion is also something I would recommend daily. With Venus and Mars within kissing distance in Leo, we are being given a wonderful opportunity to playfully deepen into our self-love, love of friends (and family, of course) and partner love.

What to consider in preparation for the Cancer New Moon:

  • How well are you taking care of yourself?
  • What will strengthen your inner foundations?
  • How might you deepen your connection to your intuition?
  • What is nourishing for you – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually?
  • How does your home reflect who you are?
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