No matter how hard I’ve tried over the years, I can never force writing to emerge. It must flow from a place of authenticity and desire.

Today, I’ve experienced an early Venus Retrograde Moment (starts May 13 directly on my personal Venus) or maybe it’s a Saturn retrograde moment since that is beginning tomorrow (May 11 – September 29) or it could be Pluto already retrograding (April 25 – October 4) or maybe it’s Jupiter which begins its ‘backwards’ journey on the 14th

I digress…while I cannot force myself to write, I can also not stop it from moving out of me even when I’m resisting (particularly when the cosmos says, “Pause, pay attention, and listen.”)

Retrogrades are an astrological rhythm that offers an invitation to take a moment (for the next few months) and review. As we review, we can work with each planetary body to guide us through what might need to be transformed (Pluto), what needs to be restructured (Saturn), how we might love just a little better (Venus) or just take some time to count our blessings (Jupiter). Of course, these are just a few of their very special offers, and I will share more as they flow through in the coming months.

It’s Mother’s Day in the US. This day is, for me, both complicated and simple.

My sister wrote a deeply heartfelt blog about the complicated aspects of growing up in our home. We are 8 years apart, so in some ways, the mother I had during those Vietnam years was very different, but the toll of isolation and anxiety did not ease with the passage of time. For an eloquent look at Mother’s Day through my sister’s eyes, I refer you here:

(Bonus: she has a super cute picture of herself as a child that is exactly true to how she spent her days whenever she could!)

My own story will need to wait, for now. There will come a time when that writing will flow with more ease.

For now, I want to share the simple truth and that is gratitude for the mother of us all: Life & Love.

As Venus slows down, she offers us a fresh perspective on Love.

I propose that this starts with reviewing your Soul’s Journey onto this planet. Choosing this time to be alive, to grow, and to contribute something to Earth (both the planet and all creatures great and small) says something about your willingness to Love.

As we move through this day and all the days forward, let’s remember that a nurturing presence exists within us all. We can offer our strength, our power, our resilience and our love to create new structures for a transformed and more beautiful life.

The Cosmic Compass is offering a few new paths for us right now…

I love this song by Gypsy Soul (gotta love their name, too!). I’m making it my personal theme song for this Venus Retrograde (with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and, oh, did I mention Mercury and Neptune in June?!):

Sending Mother’s Day Blessings out to you all.

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