[Part 2 Numerology for March]

Blessings on their way

Love: This month you’ll want to drop into as much self-love as possible. What does it mean to ‘love yourself’? For some this will mean being more kind with less self-judgement. For others, this will mean treating oneself with the attention most often given to others. What you choose is up to you — beginning with remembering you are Loved, Loving, and you are Love.

Play: When was the last time you created a ‘play date’ for yourself?! This month is THE month to offer your Inner Child an absolutely unexpected FUN and joyous day with you. What is one thing you’ve been wanting to do for a while that will bring you joy?

Laughter: The best healing medicine is truly being able to laugh and laughing! While you can absolutely ‘make yourself laugh’ and get the benefits, the idea here is to engage with someone or something that triggers uncontrollable laughter in ways that are side-busting (in a good way)!

Intimacy: Whether with yourself or another, diving into intimacy is a powerful way to spend your time. Connecting with yourself on all levels will bring forth your most radiant self — the self you want to be with and the one you want to share. This month is designed for deepening with a partner. First step — set aside the time! While spontaneity has its romantic appeal, the best encounters are the ones where you take your time and follow the pleasure.

Creativity: The sky’s the limit here! Let your creativity shine through in any form that feels exciting, interesting, or adventurous. Everyone is creative. Not everyone is an artist per se, but everyone has creative energy and ideas. Expanding your definition of creativity is the first step. Remember that any action that allows you feel inspired or ‘make something’ or sing or dance (and more) is creativity ‘at work’. If you have a task, make it fun — that’s creative!

Bliss: Pausing between moments, allowing yourself to breathe, checking in with how you feel — these are the steps that lead onto the path of discovery more bliss. Presence. Being present in your life as much as possible. Bliss can be found anywhere. Sometimes, on the busiest of days or the most challenging of days, bliss might seem hundreds of thousands of miles away. It’s at that moment that ‘stopping to smell the roses’ counts the most.

Trust: Remembering to trust yourself is the first step. If you and yourself have a ‘trust issue’ this is the month to heal that so you can enjoy the benefits of knowing you are discerning and wise. If you need help, ask someone in your life who you do trust to help you find a way back to knowing yourself and creating the best life you can with your own wisdom. If you want to develop more trust in others, start with yourself — as you refine your ability to make good choices, you’ll likely find that the people you want to be with are the ones who are worthy of your trust.

Art: https://www.estherremmington.com/gallery

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