This month you are being asked to ‘do the work that needs to be done’ which I think is to really tap deeply in to your own ability to restore your soul and move more toward what you really want for YOU.

Something is stirring in each of us that is supporting our growth of consciousness. Do you have a sense of what is ‘pulling at your heart strings’? Whatever is surfacing this month is an important part of the preparation of your next individual cycle. This month allows you to connect more deeply on an emotional level to what is a priority. You will see how the path is opening as you spend more ‘quiet time’.

Choice is an important concept this month. When you are ‘at choice,’ you can create new realities (as you let go of those you no longer desire). Or, you can maintain what you have now. “The choice is yours.”

Examining what is really working (authentically for you) in your life is the first step. An honest inventory is a fabulous practice and one that takes courage.

  • As you step out onto the ledge of truth (inspired by June’s New Moon in Gemini), what do you see, hear, or feel?
  • With what and whom are you in alignment?
  • If you had all the resources you need, what would you change in your life right now?

When you find something in your life that is really not working well, you have found an opportunity to make a new choice. And if you are happy with what you find, you can commit to your life with more profound enthusiasm. All good.

Be heartened that the energy of ‘18’ which represents The Moon in the tarot is increasing your capacity to bring light into darkness. When you do this for yourself, you are bringing the light of healing to yourself and all those around you.

Remembering to nurture yourself is one of the most important keys of a fulfilled and sparkly life! Look at the ways in which you nourish yourself and ask if there are any updates needed.

Water and water sign people serve as important teachers this month. Remember your mystical side, pay attention to your dreams and be aware of your choices.

Key Words:
Authentic Choice
Essential Nature
Prayer and Meditation

Things to watch for:
Time to explore your inner realms.
Reclaiming yourself through contemplation, prayer, and meditation

Challenges to navigate:
Self-judgment and criticism.

Blessings on their way:
Unlimited Abundance

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