Full Moons offer a range of options to explore and this one in Leo is a powerhouse!

As a devotee of New Moon Magic, I have not always given Full Moons their due. Sure, I know that my dreams are wild or that I don’t sleep well or that I feel extra emotional.

Tonight/tomorrow we are blessed with a Full Moon in Leo that has me experiencing all three of the above!

And there’s a lot to explore with the Full Moon. Here’s where I’m starting:

🌕 Reviewing my Lunar Month (starting with the New Moon 2 weeks prior) and looking at the Aquarian pathways I have chosen to journey (Aquarius starts the lunar month where Leo is the Full Moon)

🌕 Reflecting deeply within myself and asking which shadows I need to face and embrace (this one is not easy but beyond good to do during a Full Moon – and besides being emotional – I’m pretty much in it anyway).

🌕 Offering gratitude for what is going well in my life and being present with the feeling in my body as I mindfully ‘count my blessings’.

With a Leo Full Moon, we get to travel into the heart with more courage and open gates to our fullest creative expressions of love, pleasure and play!

On the way, we can also ask ourselves the following:

🌕 How am I encouraging others to find their strengths and their joy?

🌕 What is it that is hard to face within my own life or within myself that takes more courage than I think I have?

🌕 How might I clear the path to love – self-love or love for another?

🌕 Where might I play more?

🌕 What is one creative thing I can do today?

This Full Moon lights up at 20º Leo. In Inside Degrees by Ellias Lonsdale, he shares that this Full Moon invites us to travel deep into self-inquiry especially around grief! That explains why I’m not feeling completely celebratory.

He suggests (and I concur) that at this degree of Leo we must absolutely acknowledge the vital necessity of going through life with our soul’s compass in the lead. And yes, he goes into great detail about how challenging the pain and suffering are, and how much ‘guts and integrity’ it takes to really face ourselves, our challenges, and then move forward with courage.

So, if this Full Moon in Leo finds you feeling less than playful, take a moment to offer your heart what it needs – Unconditional Love, Acceptance of where you are right now, and Soulful Reminders of how we are in this together.

🌕 And if you are feeling fantastic – celebrate with uproarious joy! And share your love generously today (and every day). 🌕

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