
Laughter is powerful medicine that moves through our bodies like a volcanic eruption. Just like lava flow, we never really know when we are going to stop! Harnessing the energy of the root center supports us in many ways. How might you nurture your ‘root’ today and laugh while doing it? (I know you can think of something fun…)

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December Numerology

December brings us a reminder of discernment and good judgement.

When we look at the entire picture and gather perspective, we can make better decisions.

  • Where have you set up a system of discernment in your life?
  • How do you practice good decision making?
  • Where could you benefit from a shift in your perspective?

As we work with this month’s energy we will feel a more connected flow allowing us to balance our work and our precious time with loved ones.

  • How are you honoring the unlimited resource of creativity that is within you to express in both family and career situations?
  • What are some practical ways you are creating balance this time of the year?

Connecting with conscious intention enhances our ability to bring more balance in our lives.

  • How ‘radical’ is your self-care?
  • How much emphasis do you have on slowing down and asking yourself how you feel?
  • When you do slow down, what do you want?

This is also a great month to tune into your dreams, intuition and inner guidance system.

Some of you know how my vivid dreams of disaster in Hawaii had me listening deeply before a scheduled retreat. After an arduous discernment process, I chose not to go. This was a good decision for me. And my heart goes out to the women on the retreat who contracted the Dengue Fever which started at the retreat house on the big island.

Paying attention to our intuition & dreams includes reaching out when we need support to sort through the messages. I am grateful beyond measure to Alexandra Kennedy, the facilitator of the retreat for really hearing me and tuning into her own guidance system on my behalf.

So, this month, you can balance life, love, work, and use your intuition in powerful ways! Let’s see what unfolds…

Power days in December include: *12-11-2015* & *12-29-2015*

On these days, you can set strong intentions for yourself and your contribution in the world.


Numerology and Cosmic Embodiment

Every month and every day, I analyze the energy and vibration of our calendar date. I love what I see, hear, and feel. I love sharing whatever nuggets I uncover. I am by no means, the only daily numerologist out there, but I like to think that I have a unique offering — one that opens minds and hearts to the greatest embodiment of our soul’s journey.

In honor of my profound respect for Angeles Arrien and the body of work that she brought through in her lifetime, I prefer to analyze the double numbers of the month rather than reducing them to their single number. Many texts and internet resources are available to look at numbers up to 999 — we have a lot to sort through to understand what the best support energies are for the year, month, and day.

After 35 years of study, I trust my intuition to guide me as I research and bring forth what I hope is information or a question that will support your journey with more ease and grace and passion.

Reading numerology and astrology charts is like reading music for an orchestra. Every number and combination of numbers have a theme and a variance for each individual. Their harmonies and dissonance add rich tapestry to our lives when we uncover their hidden meanings.

Not only do we have access to vast knowledge and wisdom, but we can have fun connecting with the support that universe gives us on the day of our birth. Every planet, house, and transit are like a theatre stage. If we choose to interact with the play, our lives can unfold with greater depth and meaning.

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