It is time to integrate many experiences and look deeply into yourself to find all the nooks and crannies that want to be opened (or closed). Curiosity and Discovery are fabulous partners for you this month!

What has captivated your attention of late?

What happens when you listen and follow Your Own Natural Intuition?

Energy is flowing! How are you connecting with your lifeforce?

This is a very creative and artistic month where beauty, balance, negotiation, and networking are important qualities that want to be expressed more fully in your life.

You will be drawn to those adventures that you have been ‘thinking about’ for a while.

What step might you take to CREATE those adventures?

As you integrate and get very clear about what you want, inspiration arises and flows throughout your life.

If you are a writer, artist, musician or innovative creative, this month calls your greatest ideas forth. No matter your ‘day job’, allow your imagination to run free!

Balancing what might seem like opposites within your own nature will support your clarity. Taking the time to create lists is well-founded with a month that begins with a Virgo Full Moon!

And when Mercury Retrogrades this month remember to take the cue to slow down and review what you have experienced so far. We have been on an E-Ticket Ride for a while. I, for one, am excited about the opportunity to reconnect with my goals and intentions for the year and re-set my navigation system, if necessary.

The Cosmic Compass is on your side. Let it guide you! If you want more direction for your unique journey, it is my pleasure to set up some sessions for you.

If you want to join a small but mighty group for our monthly mini-retreat (it’s virtual so you can be anywhere!), you can learn more here: Wake Up w/ Your Inner Goddess & Create Magic

Key Words for March:
Integration, Synthesis, Faith, Gifts, Review & Renew

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