Full Moon in Leo

Full Moon in Leo

Full Moons offer a range of options to explore and this one in Leo is a powerhouse! As a devotee of New Moon Magic, I have not always given Full Moons their due. Sure, I know that my dreams are wild or that I don’t sleep well or that I feel extra emotional....
Mercury Rx: Scorpio

Mercury Rx: Scorpio

I have a strange relationship with dusting. As a child, I would pretend to be doing commercials in order to get through the list of things I was tasked to dust. Back then, we used a product that smelled lemony-fresh. I would arrange everything as if there was a camera...
2020: Part 3

2020: Part 3

[2020: Part 3 begins with lots of hugs and continues with insights into January’s line up in Capricorn by looking at the Cancer North Node Return] Walking, taking steps forward, and feeling supported — I can not tell you how important these are to me! Monday...
2020: Part 2

2020: Part 2

[2020: Part 2 begins where I left off… recovering from the elevator experience…and listening to the cosmos] Once I was home, I thought about the fact that I had been pulling The Devil card over and over for the last couple of weeks. I knew I LOVED Angeles Arrien’s...