New Moon in Cancer

New Moon in Cancer

The New Moon in Cancer Friday, July 9th, 2021 18º 02’, exact at 6:17 pm Pacific Image: Even with a Reverse Image Search, I could identify the artist of this fabulous piece of art! Reconnecting with our power, our vulnerability, our strength and our foundation is our...
New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini

Thursday, June 10, 2021 19º47’ at 3:52 am Pacific This upcoming New Moon in Gemini may feel like it’s eclipsed by, well, an eclipse! Eclipses are common. They are, in fact, part of the New Moon every New Moon. But this is an Annular Solar Eclipse with a Ring of Fire –...
New Moon in Taurus!

New Moon in Taurus!

Tuesday, May 11th at 11:59 am Pacific 21º18’ Art: Artist: Abigail Diaz This image represents fierce beauty, profound love, creative energy and so much...