Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment
New Moon in Virgo
Monday, September 6th 5:52 pm PDT We are preparing for a new moon in Virgo – the sign of the temple priestess, healer and natural counselor. Virgo essence is that of love, healing, and nourishment. Virgos remind us that how we live our daily life, how we serve others,...
New Moon in Cancer
The New Moon in Cancer Friday, July 9th, 2021 18º 02’, exact at 6:17 pm Pacific Image: Even with a Reverse Image Search, I could identify the artist of this fabulous piece of art! Reconnecting with our power, our vulnerability, our strength and our foundation is our...
New Moon in Gemini
Thursday, June 10, 2021 19º47’ at 3:52 am Pacific This upcoming New Moon in Gemini may feel like it’s eclipsed by, well, an eclipse! Eclipses are common. They are, in fact, part of the New Moon every New Moon. But this is an Annular Solar Eclipse with a Ring of Fire –...
New Moon in Taurus!
Tuesday, May 11th at 11:59 am Pacific 21º18’ Art: Artist: Abigail Diaz This image represents fierce beauty, profound love, creative energy and so much...
Capricorn New Moon
What can we learn from this Capricorn New Moon? Let's just jump right in! Taking into account all that 2020 showed us, all that you experienced, all that we are experiencing now, how are you feeling? If you are feeling raw and stretched past your capacity, you are in...
2021: The Year of Learning, Teaching & Learning
Even though 2020 has ended, the insight and on-going learning are still with us as we begin 2021 and enter the numerological cycle of Learning, Teaching & Learning which started with the foundational 4 year of Soulful, Creative & Conscious Leadership....
Virgo New Moon and Lunar Cycle
The New Moon in Virgo Thursday, September 17th 4:01 am PDT 25º01’ (image: Tree by ORUPSIA) TODAY begins a new lunar cycle with a new moon in Virgo – the sign of the temple priestess, healer and natural counselor. Virgo essence is that of love, healing, and...
August: Perspective & Shifting
Letting Go to Create Fresh Perspectives As this 8th month arrives, we are being asked (again) to let go a little more in order to allow for new perspectives to shift us into a deeper awareness of self and others. Seems like 2020 has been all about ‘letting go’ as we...
Cancer New Moon Magic!
The New Moon in Cancer Saturday, June 20, 2020 0º 21’, exact at 11:41 pm Pacific (Sunday, 2:41 am ET) Image: Reconnecting with our power, our vulnerability, our strength and our compassion...