This month is a powerful one. In addition to the planetary alignments (and retrogrades), the universal numbers line up for some much needed healing and restoration before moving forward.

This is a very good month (and it is highly recommended) that you take care of yourself and not ‘over work’. Taking time to rest will support the next several months where much work can be completed with great success.

Part of this month’s energy includes opening up new pathways of your intuition! Be aware of what ideas, images, and feelings surface. Allow your discernment to align your ideas with your values.

Take time to listen to your intuition is always a good idea! This month, your intuition could be very illuminating and spark creative insights that allow your future to unfold with many more sparkles!

Restoration and healing need support. Here are some of my suggestions of what to do this month to nurture and nourish your body, mind, and soul (send me your ideas and I’ll post them!):

  • Recharge with nature, at a spa, creating art, or whatever brings your heart more joy and peace. Your time is precious and you know deep down that when you give yourself space to do what you love, you end up with more energy to be more of who you are.
  • Write in a gratitude journal. It has not gone out of style and it works. There’s no faster way to shift your energy than to count your blessings.
  • Meditate and feel your vibrancy. Whether you choose a sitting or a moving meditation, finding your ‘stillpoint’ is powerful magic that restores the mind, body, and soul.

In addition to the mystical aspects of this month, some very practical applications of renewal include:

  • Cleaning your closets and rooms of clutter. Just dusting seriously changes energy (and everything looks better).
  • Reorganizing offices to create more ease (don’t be afraid to ask for help!).
  • Playing. Some of the best nights are spent with friends playing games, collaging, painting pottery and so much more. Summer camp is important for adults, too!
  • Romance. Dedicated time together is a necessity for a healthy (and thriving) relationship. Enjoy being with the one(s) you love. This can be as simple as setting aside 2 hours, lighting candles, and including delicious (healthy) massage oil. If you are not in a ‘romantic’ relationship, then you might consider getting a massage as touch is vital for health and well-being.

Remembering yourself. Create play dates for you. Spend time with your inner child, your inner teen, you inner goddess, or your adult wise self – whoever is calling – answer and enjoy ‘quality time’.

Key Words:

  • Healing
  • Change
  • Restoration
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