Last week I got stuck in an elevator.

As it lurched and stopped, doors and buttons ineffectual, I could actually feel the panic creeping up the back of my neck. Before my brain shut down any thinking-capabilities I had, I began to madly push as many buttons as I could including the one back down to the first floor!

It lurched again and went down. What felt like 5 floors was actually probably ½ a floor since I never made it to the 2nd floor. Nonetheless, I emerged, shaking and filled with adrenaline which totally helped me… (drum roll please) …

walk up 2 flights of stairs for the first time since my tripping and falling accident over 6 months ago!

I was careful, for sure. But I was definitely adrenaline-fueled because I did not question whether or not I should walk up those stairs. I just did.

How many times in our lives have we felt constricted (or literally been held back) and not been sure what to let go of and when? Forward movement is a necessity. Timing can often be a question that eludes an answer.

As we begin 2020, we have a huge planetary line-up in Capricorn that includes Saturn (our master teacher and also planet of constriction with a purpose) and Pluto (the Great Transformer and the planet of letting go and shifting gears).

What will we be ready to do?

How will we know?

These are the questions that I have been feeling swirl inside me all year – definitely in the area of my physical body (broken and healing bone – Saturn): How do I heal? And my mental/emotional body: What do I let go of (Pluto) first? And, of course, in all areas of my life: how do I find my way through the inevitable changes ahead with greater balance and ease?

As I wind my way through the maze, I marvel at how much support we have in the universe, how many clues are available and how much mystical magic wants to play in our lives.

I have days where I feel completely overwhelmed, so remembering that insight (see above) invites more practice, more reaching out for support, and more reflection balanced with action. I also have days where I feel completely held in a loving and generous universe, world, community, and partnership –hallelujah for that!

What areas of your life are you exploring right now?

What changes are calling to you (perhaps loudly, perhaps more softly)?

How are you navigating your successes, your celebrations, and your challenges?

With so many planets at play right now, the gathering energy is palpable already. I felt it in a small way during my elevator experience and how I responded!

Walking up those stairs was, in part, a defiant act born of my frustration of feeling so constricted for so long. It was also partly my nature – just keep going in the face of adversity. Was it a smart move? Was my timing good?

Fortunately, I was ready. My physical therapist was aghast that the elevator was broken, but she was pleased that I could walk up the stairs and we spent the rest of my session walking up and down their mini-stairs with the correct form to prevent injury.

What about you? How are you ready to break free from constriction and move toward more freedom?

[End part 1. Part 2 continues with my on-going relationship with the cosmos through the tarot and, in this case, the Devil card and more about the 2020 ‘lineup’.]

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