Woke up with that electric energy of needing write. It feels like electricity moving through my arms and into my hands (hence the Tower Card from the Motherpeace Tarot first thing this morning (I mean really how does that happen?!).

So here are a few early reminders for 2020:

🌟 2020 is not a cataclysmic year, it is a Catalyst year:
It is not the end of the world, but it is the end of this decade and the beginning of another. Knowing this and feeling this can be a powerful reminder of what you want to change. And if you don’t know what you want to change, Saturn and Pluto are going to help.

🌟 2020 is not just an election year, the cosmic focus is Leadership:
The Universal Numerology (4) has us starting a new 9-year cycle of evolving our skills as conscious and creative leaders. The stellar line up of 5 planets in Capricorn emphasize an unrelenting request for change that honors what we’ve learned, heals the deep wounds, and offers a different path.

🌟 2020 is what it says it is: Clarity.
We have an opportunity to see where we’ve been and where we want to go from here – collectively and personally.

I can absolutely see why it might feel like the Tower Card or the ‘end of the world’ but like Philip Sedgwick says, “Saturn won’t let people off that easily and Pluto digs in his heels to ensure that everyone feels everything they need to feel prior to personal evolution.”

We have so many blessings to lean into in the midst of the challenges. More musings to come soon…

For now: appreciation for this magical life and this cosmic universe.

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