April Numerology

Welcome to April! The first quarter of the year has flown by but not without some powerful energies to contend with as we move through the alignment and adjustment brought on by the Universal 8. Long sentence for a simple truth: Life will seek its own balance.

As we head into this month, we are asked to consider what we want to let go of, how we want to open more fully to divine will, and what new perspectives are allowing us to fully receive the abundance of this year.

“Abundance of what?” you might ask. That’s a fair question. Each of us is having a unique experience. Right now, you might feel like you are having an abundance of lessons around money or health. Or you might be living your dream. Look to your astrology chart for some clues about WHERE the extra resources are being stored or shared. Where do you stand after the Uranus-Pluto square? What has been activated in your chart? In your life?

We have been riding a huge wave of energy through this eclipse portal. What has been showing up for you? When you can identify some of the ‘issues’ or challenges, you can also pinpoint the blessings and gifts by using April’s 12 energy of surrendering to new perspectives.

If you want to learn more about your personal growth path and how your Celestial Support System is supporting you, you can reach me HERE to schedule sessions.

Trust your Support System! Adjustments mean greater flow, greater health, more resources and more.


Today marks a day of rebirth. What new awareness are you taking with you into April? How will you play with this new way of being?


Big energies have been building for weeks now. The full moon and the eclipse are powerful partners to the overall letting go energy of the month. Today, we are given a chance to check in with our intuition and allow the energy to move through us in ways that help us integrate all that we’ve learned so far this year. What dreams and visions are dancing within you right now?

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