by Denise Elizabeth Byron | Aug 30, 2015 | Blog, Monthly Cosmic Embodiment, Numerology
8.31.2015 Balance is possible today as we encourage our full expression to find its best form. What does it feel like to be in the flow of your creative spirit? How does this manifest in your life? Free Email Updates Discover the cycles that allow you to plan for this...
by Denise Elizabeth Byron | Aug 27, 2015 | Blog, Monthly Cosmic Embodiment, Numerology
8.28.2015 Today is a hidden triple 8 day — a day for remembering what you want to bring into tangible form with your most connected self. What inspires you? How do you use that inspiration to create what is next for you and for our planet? Free Email Updates Discover...
by Denise Elizabeth Byron | Aug 26, 2015 | Blog, Monthly Cosmic Embodiment, Numerology, Uncategorized
8.3.2015 Wisdom is our theme today. Have you felt the shift with Saturn beginning its forward motion? What have you learned during this powerful time? Gathering together with like-minded souls and sharing what has changed for you and where you are more committed to...
by Denise Elizabeth Byron | Aug 26, 2015 | Blog, Monthly Cosmic Embodiment, Numerology
8-2-2015 How much more authentically can you be expressing yourself? Today’s energy invites us to share more with each other about our values, our visions, and our dreams
by Denise Elizabeth Byron | Jul 31, 2015 | Blog, Monthly Cosmic Embodiment, Numerology
August Numerology As if on cue, we have 3 power days this month focussing on Love and Money: the 8th, 17th, and 26th. These triple 8 portal days are just the preparation for September’s energy. Being present with yourself, being more attentive to self-care, and...
by Denise Elizabeth Byron | Jul 1, 2015 | Blog, Monthly Cosmic Embodiment, Numerology
July Numerology 2015 Alchemy Alchemy is the transmutation of a common substance into something of greater value. When we combine our themes this month: magic, enchantment, sensuality, and laughter with the ‘ordinary’ (BTW I really question whether anything is really...
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