We start with 19/10/1 energy giving us a perfect day to begin anew. What intentions will you create and integrate?
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November Numerology
What would feel good this month is to snuggle up in front of the fireplace, light some candles, share stores of inspiration and love.
November is an 18, the number of authenticity, introspection, honesty, integrity, and choice. In the shadows of this number lie the seeds of self-judgment, self-delusion, and self-deception.
How honest can you be with yourself, your choices, and your decisions? When faced with critical self-talk, how can you switch gears and find a more productive way to access what’s needed in that moment?
So, as you move through this month, how much MORE love can you show yourself?
This month, enjoy the deepening shadows outside and approach the inner ones with a gentle but firm direction: “I reclaim my full self with truth, love and joy.”
2014: The Year of Practical Magic
Do you remember the magic of childhood walks through ‘the woods’ or the ‘faerie gardens’ of your own backyard? Can you imagine sending wishes up to the stars at night and feeling much joy at the connection with Universe of bright lights? How is it that refined intentions and desires are met with ease and grace in the highest and best way by a Universal Source of Love?
2014 is the year to deepen our understanding of the Great Mystery. The Universal Year Number is 7, well known for its spiritual significance throughout history and many spiritual practices.
The vibration of “7” emphasizes the integration of the mystical and material worlds. So, 2014 is THE YEAR to infuse business, health, love, and more with inspiring spiritual guidance coming from within our own hearts and souls. It is vital to allow time for pauses, retreats, and reflection as part of the bigger process of creating better relationships, optimum wellness, deeper fulfillment, and generous abundance.
Here are just a few questions to consider (there’s more!):
• Which changes will assist our growth and evolution and which ones will be nurturing, comforting and supporting to us at this time?
• How do we see tangible results?
• How will we use our creativity?
• How will we approach healthy risks?
• What has heart and meaning?
• Where is my spiritual center?
• How do I trust my inner knowing?
• What do I need for support for a deeper understanding of myself and others?
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