I have read through dozens of quotes today, seeking to find one that provides both solace and courage. I wanted to share something profound that would ease our collective grief, anger, and fear. I wanted to share something that also provided inspiration, courage, and a reminder of all that is good.

Since I could not find the ‘perfect’ quote, I will speak what I am hearing in my own heart, mind, body and soul:

“Stay the course. Remember you chose this time. Be present. Fill your well with self-love. Share with others. Love. Grieve. Take action. Love. Stay the course. Look to the stars for navigation. Listen to your inner wisdom. Learn from those who are wise. Surrender to a Love more powerful than any you can imagine.”

Grief is like the early-morning-freeze-ruffled petals of a perfect rose – it adds something unexpected that becomes exquisite in its transformation.

Pain offers an opportunity for healing.

Healing offers the opportunity for compassion.

Anger offers an opportunity for action.

In the midst of pain, grief or fear, it can be hard to remember the ‘tools’ that help us heal and ‘feel better’.

We are in this together!

Even on my darkest days, I know I am surrounded with blessings. Whether I reach out to a professional trained in various modalities to work with the most challenging of experiences or I sit in silence holding hands with my beloved or take a walk with a friend, I know I am blessed.

Being here with each other is a gift.

But what to do when we are ‘collectively down’?

We feel love even more distinctly in the tender moments. We remember gratitude and give thanks for what we can. And when our inner sanctums and energy wells are filled, we reach out, we help others with a smile, a kind word or an act of support.

October reminds us of our unity – our collective pain and our collective healing.

My experiences have shown me that pushing away the pain or the grief or the anger does not work. Numbing it out is temporary. Healing means staying with the process.

Sometimes we need to be alone — take the time in the stillness to listen.

Ultimately, connecting with others will help. As Jupiter spends its last days in Libra (not to return for another 11 years or so), let’s remember what is good about our relationships and what can be better.

Jupiter is generous and beneficent. It blesses us with Love right now. Let’s receive with reciprocal generosity of spirit.

This is a great month to look at the big picture and consider what choices will most benefit your deepest and highest vision for yourself and for humanity.

Remember, creativity is a powerful way to unleash your beautiful spirit. Creativity is healing on so many levels!

For relationships, the key for this month is to recognize your own strength, to trust yourself, and know that your resourcefulness can also integrate with another (you can both be resilient and resourceful).

One thing I have learned is that the time I have spent cultivating spiritual practices (including Sensuous Wisdom™), is time well invested. Some days I need to go deep into my reservoir to keep going. I am grateful to be here and to be able to listen to your stories, support you in the ways I can, and travel with you through this time.

Wishing you all deep peace & love,

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