Following curiosity to the truth and sharing that truth is Gemini’s gift to us! Along the way, we may encounter a few veils that must be lifted to find the gems that are waiting for us for this new moon!

Like a good novel with plot twists, the Gemini New Moon chart has a couple of characters who offer differing narratives. Which one will we believe?  With Capricorn rising we have a traditional energy that offers some structure and accountability. The square with Neptune reminds us that our dreams are more than worth a listen. But which dreams? Discernment is key before any powerful spells can be woven.

Gemini energy is quick and curious. Asking questions, allowing answers to surface in variety of ways and staying in ‘discovery mode’ is one of the foundations of Magic. Exploring and learning is what the Cosmic Compass is pointing to right now. Going deeper into your own soul’s journey and returning with more clarity is part of the process.

Being open to remembering the ancient wisdom in your body, mind, heart, and spirit is possible every new moon. Be curious. Stay curious.

Your intuition is heightened with a connection to Neptune in Pisces right now. Remembering your practices of strengthening your intuitive muscles and listening. You might journal a bit more, meditate, take more time in Nature – whatever will slow you down enough to ‘see’, ‘feel’, ‘hear’, and ‘know’.

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about a friend who recently passed away. She generously shared her labyrinth with me last summer asking me to tend it while she was vacationing with her family. I believe that my time in the labyrinth helped me find my way to some peace that was sorely lacking at the time.

Labyrinths are a powerful way to connect with yourself and your inner wisdom. Whether you walk one near you (, or draw a labyrinth on paper (, you are invoking an ancient spiritual portal.

[If you are using a finger labyrinth, trace the path with your dominant or non-dominant finger, moving towards your next stop on the journey with the same reverence and slowness as you would walking.]

If you have not worked with a labyrinth before, you can follow these guidelines or intuit your own.

As you approach the opening, breathe deeply, feel your feet on the ground and the support of the Earth rising to meet you. After you feel connected to the earth’s energy, imagine your energy connecting with the stars and heavens.

Next, think of your question.  Invite your lack of clarity – that’s one of the reasons why you are here!

Finally, walk or move your finger slowly through the pathways (Gemini wants to move quickly) and listen with not only your ears, but with all of your senses.

Once you reach the center, it’s time for a gentle check-in. How do you feel in your body? What thoughts (if any) are present? What do you see or hear? Remember, your inner guidance will meet you here. It’s language is one filled with symbols and feelings. Your job is to listen and interpret.

May this Gemini new moon offer you powerful perspective and discernment, lifting the self-imposed veils to reveal more truth.

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