Wednesday, June 13th
22°45, exact at 12:44 pm
(art: fotolia_111149268.jpg)

Double your delight, double your fun! The twin energy of Gemini allows us to connect with ourselves and each other in new ways.

Gemini energy is quick and curious. We have so much opportunity in this cycle to study and learn! Staying in ‘discovery mode’ is one of the foundations of Magic.

Being open to remember the ancient wisdom in your body, mind, heart, and spirit is possible every new moon, but this one in particular reminds us of who we are. Our intuition is heightened and our ability to perceive truth is spot-on. As you take notice of what you are experiencing, hearing, and seeing, take a moment to check in with your Inner Goddess and her thoughts. What might she want to share with you?

Communication is always supported during a Gemini New Moon – or at least we are able to engage in clearing old beliefs, refining our intentions and stating our desires to the Universe with conviction!

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so when that little planet retrogrades, where Gemini resides in your chart is affected along with the area where the retrograde is taking place.

Looking at your unique areas of activation (available in the the custom booklets) will give you an idea of what parts of your navigational map are calling out for your attention. What do you want to shift? Where do you want to deepen? What feels most important to you? Follow your instinct – Gemini gives us a powerful boost of intellect. You will likely see things a new way that could offer the ‘perfect’ solution to any questions or issues that are appearing in your life right now.

If you feel like you’ve been living in a ‘fog’ around something in your life, this is the New Moon that allows the ‘mists of Avalon to part’.

Setting up your rituals involving words, ideas, and gems like agate and celestite will help the energy of Gemini to move fluidly and smoothly. Remember that what you are asking for is half the equation – the other half is how you are asking!

Anything involving communication, friends, learning, and travel are especially interesting to consider as we move through the New Moon. Good fortune is assisted by our ability to live into the moment, surrendering fear, and embracing possibility. Gemini LOVES this way of living.

What to consider in preparation for the Gemini New Moon:

  • How well do you communicate?
  • What activities are fun and allow your curiosity free reign?
  • How do you keep your mind open to new ideas ready for the highest truth possible right now?
  • How do you want to express yourself as a powerful and compassionate communicator and friend?
  • How are you cultivating your creativity?
  • What is one thing you can do this week to honor friendship?
  • How might you ask for what you want this month?

At the 23º of Gemini “a way is shown”.
“A tunnel created by trees.
Intervention by your own greater self within the patterns of the personal story. A vision is granted. A way is shown. Yet to follow it will mean many shatterings. A cosmic future realm–uncompromising and magnificent. Vibrant and cocky. The power of the Crown. The truth that takes you by surprise. So much is opening. All you need is to be there and ask. The expanded “I” aimed directly at you and drawing you through.” [1] (art: “Forest Cathedral” by Francene Hart)


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