The New Moon in Libra
Monday (or Tuesday), October 8th/9th 15º 48’

When we think of Libra, we most often think of balance, harmony, peace and beauty. We know that Libran energy is dedicated to relationship – partnership, marriage. Additionally, Libra also reminds us to cultivate our relationship with ourselves, to courageously consider our shadows, and to advocate for justice.

I chose this image for this year’s Libra New Moon because it speaks to a powerful beauty, one that is fueled with energy. This energy can be any emotion even rage or anger or grief. When we allow our feelings to move, when we dance them through us, we allow e-motion – energy in motion – to create an internal equilibrium through dynamic movement in our lives. These emotions are not running us or our lives, they are giving us what we need to create more of what we desire.

This New Moon opens a cycle that is connected to the just-begun retrograde of Venus in Scorpio. This 40-day journey will end with Venus in Libra, so these neighboring signs will be informing our experiences in tandem. We can dive very deep right now and enter the luminescent jeweled cave of the Libra goddess while also entering into the obsidian temple of the Scorpio goddess (both are really necessary). These next 2 cycles are THE time to move through emotions, let go of rigid beliefs, release fear, become more familiar with our shadow, and create an authentic and powerful ‘stance’ – one that is balanced.

Looking into the mirror and seeing what is reflected back to you is one of the first keys to Libra. That may sound easy, but for the Libra who wants to see nothing but the good, this can cause a bit of a stir. Examining the shadows is a vital part of the season as Libra highlights the dynamic of light and dark.

One of the most vivid examples of this balance comes through the mythology assigned to Libra. “This is a sign that can quickly jump around to multiple points of view. It also seeks to find what’s fair and just and true. This is the mythological heritage of Libra’s scale, which the Egyptians saw as the sacred Scale of Ma’at. Ma’at was the goddess of balance, justice, truth, and order. It was She who kept the universe from drifting into chaos. At death, a human’s heart was measured on Her scales against a feather, to determine whether the individual had lived harmoniously with natural laws and could move on to the next realm. Souls too heavy were immediately devoured by demons.

The capacity to weigh something as delicate as souls and feathers is also a Libra gift. In fact, this uncommon sensitivity is the center pillar of Libra’s balancing. Librans are profoundly aware of, and affected by, life’s objects.”[1]

During a Libra New Moon, we are called into our most authentic selves – balancing our shadows and our light. We have the opportunity to step fully into our truth and authenticity shine with a diamond-like essence.

Like Taurus, Libra is ruled by Venus and as such, is ruled by Love. As we step into the Libra New Moon energy, we are stepping in a powerful unique perspective of Love.

One of the best articles I have read about the realities of Libra is written by one of my mentors, Dana Gerhardt. She focuses on the idea that Libra, Love, and Relationship are complex.

“We could say that Libra’s mission is to send its sensitivity into a diversity of things. As it measures, it knows. As it comes to know the particular nature of what it meets, it joins with it. Sensing the nature of things promotes not only intimacy, but an appreciation for beauty, harmony, natural order and law. Clearly we confine Libra when talking about human relations only. Given how much there is in the world to sense, the objects of Libra’s relating are surely limitless.”[2]

As we prepare for the New Moon in Libra, we want to remember how we love, what we love, and where we can bring more love. As Venus retrogrades through Scorpio, we will be reviewing, renewing, and refreshing our perspectives of relationships to all things – people, events, projects, money, and our value.

Your Inner Goddess is connected to Love through your personal Venus and Moon. How you love, how you learn through love, and your desire to love is all a part of this new moon as well.

I’m including a brief summary of where Venus (Aphrodite/Isis) is leading you personally this month. The Scorpionic energies of the Mystery, Sex, Death, Rebirth, and Money apply to everyone’s journey and your personal compass reveals a bit more.

The collective is experiencing healing but it has been catalyzed through a lot of remembered trauma. Many of us have felt depleted. There’s nothing like the balsamic moon phase to recommit to Self-Care!

What to consider in preparation for the Libra New Moon:

  • If you want to create more balance in your life (work/fun, travel/home, solo/together), what is ‘out of balance’? Getting clear about the truth is a pre-requisite. Use the image of Ma’at’s scale to ‘weigh’ each option.
  • If you want to encourage healthy relationship, remember what needs to be cultivated within yourself first. As people enter your life and ‘trigger’ an experience within (and around you) consider the mirror – what are you really seeing? And how is this related to your own experience and healing journey?
  • If you want to immerse in beauty, how (and where) do you want to create it? Yes, more beauty, please!

At the 16º of Libra we connect with the Inner Goddess and reclaiming the Magical Ways.

A woman: The lower half of her body is a serpent.
Magic working simultaneously from two divergent levels. The regular, human, everyday magic of holding yourself together as a complex and volatile mix by sheer intent. And the deeper magic of yielding into the undersoul, the passions, the desires, the impulses, and the skills of the subconscious levels. Primarily being absorbed in the deep forces of body and soul. But meanwhile bending over backwards to frame everything in normalcy. This combination is extremely difficult to maintain. It is fragile, delicate, and dangerous. You secretly exult in how impossible it really is and urge yourself onward to work this magic and wield it with the same kind of life-force that moves at the edge of an abyss and stays on that edge in a balancing act that may capsize at any moment. And it therefore is entered upon with a passion of the most dazzling cross between sheer foolishness and a wizard’s mastery.”[3]

We will talk about this in more detail during the retreat – the cosmic magic embedded in this interpretation is quite potent.

We are ready to embrace the magic of this new moon!




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