The New Moon in Cancer
Saturday, June 20, 2020
0º 21’, exact at 11:41 pm Pacific (Sunday, 2:41 am ET)

Reconnecting with our power, our vulnerability, our strength and our compassion is our invitation this weekend.

As we deepen into this New Moon, we also celebrate the Solstice and experience a Solar Eclipse (energetically if not visually).

The image above feels like a big reminder to me to rest into the arms of The Mother. Whatever internal or external chaos we have in our lives (collectively and personally), she is still here for us. Always.

This week heralds a tremendous amount of cosmic movement and support. Here is the list of what to expect with our ‘stars’:

Jun 18 12:59 AM Mercury Retrograde Mer 14 Can 46’Rx
Jun 20 5:44 PM Sun enters Cancer Sun 0 Can 00′
Jun 21 2:41 AM New Moon Annular SOLAR Eclipse 0 Can 21′
Jun 23 12:32 AM Neptune Retrograde Nep 20 Pis 58’Rx
Jun 25 2:48 AM Venus Direct Ven 5 Gem 20’D
Jun 27 9:45 PM Mars enters Aries Mar 0 Ari 00′
Jun 28 4:16 AM Quarter Moon 7 Lib 06′
Jun 30 1:46 AM Jupiter conjunct Pluto Jup 24 Cap 07’Rx
Plu 24 Cap 07’Rx


I am ever more aware of the need for time, reflection, self-care, and understanding the power of intuition! We are headed in a pivotal week of big changes that will support us as we support ourselves!

Researching ancient Greek, Sumerian and Egyptian mythology about the moon and about what became the constellation of Cancer, I’m reminded of why am dedicated to this work of connecting to our Inner Goddess, our divine feminine.

The energy of creation is also the energy of chaos. Out of chaos comes birth and new life. Ancient goddess cultures understood the power of women and honored this power through their relationships with the natural cycles, ritual, and connection to their own bodies. Goddesses were created to remind us of our power, compassion, strength, love, creativity, fierceness, rage, devotion, grief, and magic.

Cancer opens us to new life. It is one of the most sensitive signs. And right there, within her tenderness is a most powerful core strength. So, as we move toward the New Moon, we have opportunities abounding for us to remember our strength through our sensitivity.

  • What might that look like for you?

Something to ask yourself, particularly if you are a Cancer or have Cancer Moon or Rising:

  • How am I honoring my deeply sensitive nature and my intuition while also fortifying my resilience and strength?

We can all benefit from journaling or collaging or dancing or musing on how being our full sacred feminine selves, tuned into the energies of the universe, is our strength. Sometimes it might not feel that way, so on a day when it does, make note of HOW you are a sacred feminine super goddess. Post that note somewhere so when you need it, you’ll have it to remind you of your powerful active receptive sacred self.

Just like last year, we also begin what is called “Eclipse Season” which is a series of portals designed to take us further and deeper into our healing and transformation. I feel myself breathing more deeply when I hear ‘eclipse season’ but truthfully, it’s not a time of dread, but a time of exploration into what we can let go of, how we can move beyond our limitations, and where we can honor our deepest self!

Most astrologers recommend NOT starting something new during an eclipse. I say: listen to your Inner Goddess. Listen to what is stirring within you and follow the call to devotion of love.

Currently, with so many planets retrograde including Mercury, we have a phenomenal opportunity to go inward. Always start by listening deeply to your inner voice and get support if you can’t hear her as well as you’d like.

With the emphasis on Family that Cancer brings as well as the emphasis on Feeling that the Moon brings with her, our journey this month begins with our Inner Home and our Foundation.

  • What and Who is family for you?
  • How do you relate with your family (whoever that is for you)?
  • How do you want to relate with your Family?
  • Do you have a ‘holy family’ with whom you connect?
  • What is your spiritual lineage?

Going beyond our earthly focus works really well for all new moons, especially this one.

Of course, ancestors are on my mind with this New Moon. Two years ago, traveling to the lands where they lived and prayed and created magic was extraordinary. I have Druidic roots along with Celtic, Viking and a few other things thrown in for good measure. With the Solstice (Sun Moving into Cancer) I opened myself to listening very deeply.

Whether you know much about your ancestors or not, what feels appropriate as a way to connect with them this week? How might you honor their lives?

Being present with the Sacred Feminine is a profound way to live every day. This lunar cycle reminds us to connect ever more deeply with our ‘womb spaces’ – the portals that allow us to create, birth, deepen, and travel into infinite possibility.

Some of our most foundational themes surface with a Cancer New Moon: home, family, support, nutrition, and love.

As the Sun and Moon meet in the sign of The Mother, of emotion, of empathy and sensuality, we are blessed with activations that can shift our experience to support our relationships with those closest to us.

We start with ourselves because, like the Crab, we carry our home with us. Tending to our home, our temple, is vital to living a full life filled with love and nourishment.

Self-Love is one of the most important aspects of this New Moon. What is one thing you can do this week that will feel very nourishing for YOU? What is one way to revel in your own sensuality?

As you know, we are profoundly connected to the lunar cycles and every New Moon is an opportunity to refresh.

For this month, let the Cancer New Moon guide Your Inner Goddess. Listen deeply to her soft and powerful voice. Remember to find your way by starting with your foundation – making it strong where it needs to be and allowing yourself to flow into unknown waters.

What to consider in preparation for the Cancer New Moon:

  • How well are you taking care of yourself?
  • What will strengthen your inner foundations?
  • How might you deepen your connection to your intuition?
  • What is nourishing for you – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually?
  • How does your home reflect who you are?
  • How are you honoring your Inner Goddess?
  • How are you honoring the Sacred Feminine in yourself and others?
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