Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment

Riding the Waves of Energy

Riding the Waves of Energy

I'm a little groggy this morning after listening to my body and waking up at 4:30 last night to take in the Eclipse. At 4:44 am, I paused to say some prayers for myself, my friends, my family, my clients, and for our world. Taking in the reddish hue of the moon...

Cultivate Creativity & Strength for 2018

Cultivate Creativity & Strength for 2018

Foundations for the Year: Passion, Creativity, & Magnetism As you move through 2018, you’ll have an opportunity to experience more of your best qualities, develop some new ‘powers’ that have been dormant, and appreciate the strength of what combining all this...

Form before Freedom: Capricorn’s Gift

Form before Freedom: Capricorn’s Gift

The New Moon in Capricorn Tuesday, January 16th, 6:17 pm 27º (art by Josephine Wall) Are you feeling a little bit more serious about your life and what you want to accomplish or how you want to live? If you answered yes, you are immersing in Capricorn energy! Filling...

Trust the Flow into Radiance

Trust the Flow into Radiance

To trust in the flow of life is a gift! To trust in yourself is a powerful resource. This month gives you more opportunities to lean into life a little more and experience what happens when you let go and risk a bit of adventure. And adventure can lead to more glow!...

Scorpio New Moon

Scorpio New Moon

Oh the thrill of a powerful and potent Scorpio New Moon! We can choose from several directions for our Soul Work (and preparation) as well as for the Practical Applications for this deeply mystical, spiritual, transformative and sexual energy of this moon. With all...

October 2017

October 2017

I have read through dozens of quotes today, seeking to find one that provides both solace and courage. I wanted to share something profound that would ease our collective grief, anger, and fear. I wanted to share something that also provided inspiration, courage, and...