Letting Go to Create Fresh Perspectives

As this 8th month arrives, we are being asked (again) to let go a little more in order to allow for new perspectives to shift us into a deeper awareness of self and others.

Seems like 2020 has been all about ‘letting go’ as we are under Pluto’s auspices in a variety of ways (as we have discussed since our retreat!). Next month will be a direct invitation to change. This month we are being given an opportunity to evaluate and prune.


  • Where in your life are you ready to let go a little more?
  • What areas could use some ‘freshening up’?
  • What do you know needs to change?
  • How might you prepare for this change?

Checking in with your guiding values will help this month.

  • Have those values changed at all?

If they have:

  • How are the differences supporting your evolution and growth?

Understanding that this month heralds power, strength, and compassion is also very important! We are not given the ‘hard stuff’ without some support.

Cosmically, we have some beautiful alignments of planets and numerology. We also have Leo reminders to connect with gratitude, joy, and a strong sense of self.

Taking a few minutes to look at the sky at night, reminding yourself of your place in this universe will help immeasurably. You may even see the cascade a stars as they move through the sky.

Throughout this month, you can ask yourself these questions:

  • What kind of support do you need?
  • How are you nurturing yourself?

Understanding that this month is set to prepare you for bigger changes next month, what is necessary to focus on right now?

Gaining fresh perspectives means thinking outside the box, allowing yourself to open to those possibilities that you might not have considered before.

Possibilities abound when we let go and surrender to the flow of life.

  • What are the greater horizons for your life?
  • What might you prune away in order to reach your highest potential and aim for more?
  • What beliefs and outworn structures are ready to be released?
  • What do you want right now?

Many questions! The answers will unfold and your life will grow with your connection to your inner guidance. There’s magic in this month (as always) and growth beyond what you could have imagined.

Key Words
Love, Freedom, Growth, Pattern-breaking, Evolution

Full Moon:

  • Aquarius on August 2nd.
  • Full Moons reflect back to us what we have created/accomplished in the previous 2 weeks – a check point in the cycle. They are meant for Celebration and often catalyze a lot of emotion and letting go.
  • This full moon reminds us of our connection the larger perspective, to thinking of the collective, creating stronger networks, and being open to a progressive way of life – something different that honors your own personal rhythm.

New Moon:

  • Leo on August 18th.
  • The day before the New Moon is the best time to release and clear.
  • The day of the New Moon allows for new energy and intention.
  • Leo New Moon Magic:
    • How might you play more right now?
    • What will strengthen your courage?
    • How might you deepen your connection to your sensuality?
    • What will nourish your radiance and confidence?
    • How are you being creative in your life right now?
    • How are you honoring your Inner Lioness?

Things to watch for:
Abundance: more energy to prune and release yourself from patterns.
Integrity: remembering your values and truths.
Patterns: energy is available to break the ones that don’t work.

Challenges to navigate:
Past sorrow: old grief surfaces in order to be cleansed and healed.
Restrictions: perceived or real they are ready to be released.
Patterns: they are here to be reviewed and changed as needed.

Affirmations to repeat
I embrace new perspectives.
I value breaking ineffective old patterns, doubts and beliefs.
I trust and have faith in my deepest essence.
I surrender to the higher design and a will greater than my own.

Blessings on their way:
Love, Abundance, Wisdom, Work

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