The New Moon in Gemini
Thursday, June 6
16º18’ at 5:38 am PDT

Gemini energy is quick and curious. Asking questions, allowing answers to surface in variety of ways and staying in ‘discovery mode’ is one of the foundations of Gemini’s Unique Magic.

As Jupiter takes its first steps into Gemini for the first time in 12 years, you might want to consider what was happening from mid-June 2012 until late June 2013. What blessings presented themselves? What was amplified in and around your life (inner and outer)? What did you learn? How did you express yourself more fully or differently?

[Side note: in 2012, we were also working with the Uranus-Pluto squares of that era which brought intensities and change beyond what we might experience this time.]

Now, in 2024, we have opportunities to adventure through the labyrinth of the collective mind discovering unique treasures and generating new ideas that combined with reminders of structure from Saturn offer possibilities that could help bring more change into the world.

This New Moon is mid-way through Gemini. On the day before the new moon, it has the opportunity to receive blessings from Jupiter. I imagine that the busy-ness of Gemini has them waving to each other and then bumping into each other with a gleeful hug of recognition – like old friends meeting at a reunion (the kind of reunion you look forward to not the ones you dread). They chat briefly and walk away glowing.

The lovely conjunction with Venus accentuates that love of connection, communication, and expression. Venus in Gemini reminds me of a very curious dragonfly who wants to connect but stays just far enough away so you can breathe in the beauty of the strong but delicate wings and the knowing but somewhat alien looking eyes. If you hang out with dragonflies long enough, you can engage in conversation with them because they are naturally curious and willing to engage. Also, they are unabashedly fun and flirty which is a Venus in Gemini trait (sometimes you just have remember how!).

The square to Saturn teaches us how to commit to our love of expression, learning and relationship (particularly with friends). “Flirt away”, Saturn says, “but be ready to go deep when the time is right.”

Overall, the energy reminds us that we can create sacred structures to open our minds and hearts. A relationship with another or a relationship with self is a ‘sacred container’. If it is to last (Saturn), then we must tend to it with curiosity and love.

Other structures support our individual and collective connections. Rings of trees, paths that lead to clearings in the forest or peaceful meadows, and rocks placed into spirals or labyrinths all support our magical intent.

What to consider in preparation for the Gemini New Moon:

  • How well do you communicate?
  • What activities are fun and allow your curiosity free reign?
  • How do you keep your mind open to new ideas ready for the highest truth possible right now?
  • How do you want to express yourself as a powerful and compassionate communicator and friend?
  • How are you cultivating your creativity?
  • What is one thing you can do this week to honor friendship?
  • How might you ask for what you want this month?
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