Wednesday, 23 November 2022
2:57 pm PST 1º 38’
New Moons bring promise and the energy of starting anew. This positivity is powerful particularly as we honor our shadows, our grief, and our complexities as humans ahead of any new moon.
As we prepare and dive into this New Moon energy in Sagittarius, we are offered an infusion of optimism, strength, and spiritual connection.
This does not deny pain or suffering. Rather, it offers a sacred space in which to heal.
With Jupiter (the planetary guide of Sagittarius) at 29º Pisces, this new moon reminds us that we can look to the Cosmos for guidance as well as inspiration. We are being blessed with this energy and being offered opportunities that only Jupiter can bring every 12 years to connect with our Divine Soulful Possibilitarian.
Being a ‘possibilitarian’ requires an understanding of ‘how things work’ and ‘how they might work better’. Believing that there is a ‘better way’ is very Sagittarian! What better way than to look to the stars, take aim, and let your arrow fly?!
Technically, Jupiter is trine the New Moon even though the elements of their signs are different. This ‘oddness’ adds to the Sagittarius feel with a signature that says, “I am unique and alive and well.” It is also a significant reminder that our Inner Divine Selves are filled with a generous spiritual energy that will nourish and sustain us as we look for inspiration before setting those goals with the next New Moon (in Capricorn).
Mercury and Venus are both in Sagittarius right now adding even more energy for communicating Love and Joy – something Sagittarius does well.
This party with all is mystical energy is just the beginning for the Sagittarians. This sign, with all its emphasis on the bow and arrow, is also really playful and FUN.
The Sagittarius archetype, the archer, is not only a keen markswoman, she is also an avid storyteller, colorful artist, and intrepid adventurer.
Sagittarius energy is generous. Vast. Alive with possibility. And Sagittarians are given some sort of ‘owner’s manual’ that shows how to get back up after ‘falling flat on one’s face’. They are so beautiful in their ability to laugh at themselves with love!
We are learning. Sagittarius loves learning!
While your soul’s journey requires you to walk through the shadows, you also need play: music, dance, and storytelling.
Much like the bards of old, Sagittarius energy, wants to tell the story as a way to teach – to share history not just for its own sake but so that the lesson is learned. Each story will feature a reluctant hero/heroine who is unsure of him/herself/themself. Then, in a time of great need they will show up courageously to master what’s needed in a grand way. Very Jupiterian.
The New Moon is an activator for all of us in different ways. We get to travel into the richness of our optimism with eyes and ears open to learning what will help us sort it all out…all of it.
Since Jupiter is also part of our Wealth Code in Astrology, we look at where Jupiter is in our natal charts to offer guidance around how to access that magic in the material realms.
We can look to Sagittarius to find out how to access the higher learning and the joy that true wealth incorporates into an array of riches.
As with any New Moon, how you choose to use the energy will depend on what your soul wants to learn, how you want to grow, and what is calling to you through your intuition.
One thing we know for sure is that a renewed sense of optimism is possible with this moon cycle. Sagittarians are naturally buoyant and committed to enjoying life’s adventures. The spirit of Sagittarius combines curiosity with faith, discovery with knowledge, and play with purpose.
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