The New Moon in Cancer
Thursday, July 12th
20º 41’, exact at 7:48 pm Pacific

Happy Anniversary to our Inner Goddesses! Many of us started this journey last year with the Cancer New Moon. Wow! What a year it’s been!

As I deepen into the energy and messages of Thursday’s New Moon, I am aware of all that is happening around us right now, today.

We are about to see big planets turn around and move forward. We are also going to move through another series of retrogrades. On top of all that, we begin what is called “Eclipse Season” which is a series of portals designed to take us further and deeper into our healing, transformation and beautiful life.

Most astrologers recommend NOT starting something new during an eclipse. I say: listen to your Inner Goddess. Listen to what is stirring within you and follow the call to devotion of love and self and family.

With the emphasis on Family that Cancer brings as well as the emphasis on Feeling that the Moon brings with her, our journey this month begins with our Inner Home and our Foundation.

What and Who is family for you? How do you relate with your family (whoever that is for you)? How do you want to relate with your Family?

With the energy moving through Cancer, we focus on the Mother Energies and the feminine aspect of the divine. After traveling through Ireland, I am filled with images of Mother Mary standing on the crescent moon who is, literally, everywhere. I am nourished by the number of Sheela Na Gigs that we were able to find hidden away on broken down castles and churches.

And one sweet Holy Well to the Goddess Brigid revealed herself to us in a magical fairy forest. Truly amazing and such an affirmation of the deep devotion to the feminine that underlies all of the Irish landscape and culture.

Of course, ancestors are on my mind with this New Moon. Traveling to the lands where they lived and prayed and created magic was extraordinary. I have Druidic roots along with Celtic, Viking and a few other things thrown in for good measure. With the Solstice (Sun Moving into Cancer) I opened myself to listening very deeply. I’m still integrating all that occurred during the journey.

Whether you know much about yours or not, what feels appropriate as a way to connect with them this week? How might you honor their lives?

Some of our most foundational themes surface with a Cancer New Moon: home, family, support, nutrition, and love. With this moon, we drop into the Mystery of being a Woman – we get to Wake Up with our Inner Goddess and revel in the magic we are!

As the Sun and Moon meet in the sign of The Mother, of emotion, of empathy and sensuality, we are blessed with activations that can shift our experience to support our relationships with those closest to us.

We start with ourselves because, like the Crab, we carry our home with us. Tending to our home, our temple, is vital to living a full life filled with love and nourishment.

Self-care is the most important aspect of this New Moon. What is one thing you can do this week that will feel very nourishing for YOU? What is one way to revel in your own sensuality?

As you know, we are profoundly connected to the lunar cycles and every New Moon is an opportunity to refresh.

The day before the New Moon (the Balsamic Moon) is a day to go deep within and ready oneself for a new start. Releasing old patterns of beliefs is a vital component and one that can be done with more grace during this phase. Your ‘shadows’ are clear. You will want to release anything standing in the way of your deepest desires. Creating a list is a helpful tool that relieves your mind of the need to remember – getting it out ‘on paper’ is part of the magic you can do for yourself.

Whether you have a belief that is still rattling around in your mind or a habit that is entrenched, you have an opportunity at the New Moon to let go and let your Inner Goddess guide you to what is more nurturing, more life giving, and better for you.

This week, let the Cancer New Moon guide Your Inner Goddess. Listen deeply to her soft and powerful voice. Remember to find your way by starting with your foundation – making it strong where it needs to be and allowing yourself to flow into unknown waters.

What to consider in preparation for the Cancer New Moon:

  • How well are you taking care of yourself?
  • What will strengthen your inner foundations?
  • How might you deepen your connection to your intuition?
  • What is nourishing for you – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually?
  • How does your home reflect who you are?
  • How are you honoring your Inner Goddess?

Below you will find Elias Lonsdale’s interpretation of the Sabian Symbol for this New Moon. We are preparing for something extraordinary!

At the 21º of Cancer we are connecting to our Soul’s Inheritance.
“High up on a mountain an eagle’s nest.
Heritage and birthright, the soul’s inheritance. Being granted a belongingness, an attunement to rarified worlds. Consciousness triumphant. Maintaining the Crown vista of universal essentials, you are imbued with natural wonders and treasures. Wakeful, vigilant, and clear. You have superlative faculties of sifting through and finding what we all need to see here. Remarkably untouched by personal limitations and distortions. Called upon to uphold the truth and knowing it. Serene, focused, and unsentimental. Diving right to the place where the goods are. Impeccable skills used under constraint. The finest accompanies each breath. The mark of previous karmic attainments of the highest kind. Resuming where you left off, steady, self-assured, and righteous in the best sense. Beyond reproach.[1]


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