The New Moon in Aries
Sunday, April 15th
6:57 pm
This New Moon feels like a sacred calling to all Inner Goddesses who have been engaged in living life to its fullest: working, creating, loving, tending, grieving, seeking, playing, loving, and praying and so much more.

As you tune in prior to this New Moon in Aries, ask yourself how you feel – tired, energized, placid, passionate… Stay present as much as possible with yourself. Aries rules the ‘self’ – the individual. Claiming who you are right now is part of the process of preparing. Being your full self, expressing your best self, radiating light and love are calling!

Whatever your state of mind, spirit, and body you as you arrive at the Temple of the New Moon is perfect. In truth, many of us are feeling rather weary as a powerful Mercury retrograde (in Aries) winds into its last days. During these last weeks, Mars (Aries’ ruler) has been conjunct Saturn (very serious, very intense, learning the lessons) and is within 6º of Pluto (levels of intensity that allow for creativity and eroticism as much as anything else!), Uranus will conjunct this new Moon in Aries (so much energy and opportunity!) and there are a plethora of other connections as well.

The energy of this vibration and frequency is profound. Flowing (and not burning up) with it takes practice. Natal Aries, Aries Rising, and Moon in Aries goddesses will recognize the intensity and welcome it! And they know better than anyone that sustaining this type of peak energy is a dance of clearing the path, leading the way for others, and deepening into extraordinary self-love and care.

As the beginning of the astrological lunar new year, this moon brings with it a remarkable potency. As we refine our desires, connect with our highest intentions, and define our goals, we know that the Cosmos is sending a beacon of pure light and love to us.

Aries represents the warrior and in evolutionary astrology, the instrument of the highest ideals (Love) who will stand up for what is right and just and seek to help those who cannot help themselves. Recently, in the movie Wonder Woman, we saw Aries as a wrathful, arrogant, and vengeful male God of War – the traditional view. Certainly, we are seeing that type of energy in our world. But it is not the only way. Wonder Woman is also part Aries. She is a warrior, she wants peace and she will fight to help others. And as much as I admire the energy of empowerment that comes with her character, I see yet another way to engage with the Aries energy.

I propose that we focus on Brigid (who we celebrate in February with Celtic Spring) as a Goddess who is Fire, Passion, Creativity, Strength, Honesty, Inspiration, Authenticity, and so much more. She feels aligned with what this New Moon can call into being. While we must acknowledge the realities of war in our world (within ourselves, too!), how might we connect more deeply to the energy that brings dynamic peace? (Art:

Aries is the “I am”. Aries is the beginning of Love. “I am Love.”

What to consider in preparation for the Aries New Moon:

  • How confident do you feel?
  • What is your sense of personal fulfillment?
  • How are you taking extra good care of yourself?
  • How do you want to express yourself as a leader?
  • How are you cultivating your life-force energy?
  • What is one thing you can do this week to honor your creative spirit?
  • Where might you be more spontaneous in your life?

At the 26º of Aries we are “falling in love with the dance of destiny”.

The man in the moon smiling.
Living on the edge. Poised at many brinks. Swept up in a tide of changes–chaotic and magnificent. Everywhere at once, you are creative and generative, overwhelmed and overstimulated, but primarily exulting in yourself and your emergent capacities. Falling in love with the dance of destiny you find yourself in. Ecstatic release in being able to catch the spark as it flies. Very fast, very strong, very remarkable, and knowing it.” [1]

I’m so enamored with the esoteric writings of Elias Lonsdale, that I want to include the degree where Mercury turns direct:

“The statue of a God worn smooth by devotees’ kissing.
Honoring the spirit within at all costs. Insisting upon the vertical aspect in all things. You feel driven by the heart to go to any lengths to express and embody the realization of divinity. Intoxicated with the Divine, called beyond, and taken by a passion, you are dedicated and consecrated and given over. Transported into other realms. Ecstatic. A frenzy of conviction that nothing matters except the Ultimate. Swept away. Released into the Cosmos. Liberated from the wheel. And expressing the inexpressible with consummate conviction.”[2]

Whew! This is a full ride of delicious intensity. Remember: self-love, self-care, and self-realization! All for the purpose of coming together to create the best possible world now and in the future.



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