Today’s 28 brings a surge of energy to the overall creative 21. What is one thing you can do today to celebrate the essence of you and your life?

April Numerology

This is the month to draw upon the cosmic forces for inspiration.

This month’s universal 11 vibration gives us an opportunity to tap deeply into our intuition and bring forward new ideas, creativity, and innovation.  This master number is another example of dynamic energy coming from stillness which is our theme for this year. Intuition is our guide and leadership through service is our goal.

Along with intuition, art links us to the high spiritual vibration of the number 11.

How can you bring more art into your life? How can you express more of your inspired creative energy in your daily activities?

As you move through this month, take time to stop and feel into the dynamic energy of stillness. From this place you can access far more connection to what you need than in the busyness of our every day lives. Many years ago I was shown that the word ‘silent’ and the word ‘listen’ have all the same letters. That is a strong message and one that is important to remember throughout this year.

For more April insights and special offers, please sign up for my free Newsletter as well as a complementary Discovery Session just for YOU!

2014: The Year of Practical Magic

Do you remember the magic of childhood walks through ‘the woods’ or the ‘faerie gardens’ of your own backyard? Can you imagine sending wishes up to the stars at night and feeling much joy at the connection with Universe of bright lights? How is it that refined intentions and desires are met with ease and grace in the highest and best way by a Universal Source of Love?

2014 is the year to deepen our understanding of the Great Mystery. The Universal Year Number is 7, well known for its spiritual significance throughout history and many spiritual practices.

The vibration of “7” emphasizes the integration of the mystical and material worlds. So, 2014 is THE YEAR to infuse business, health, love, and more with inspiring spiritual guidance coming from within our own hearts and souls. It is vital to allow time for pauses, retreats, and reflection as part of the bigger process of creating better relationships, optimum wellness, deeper fulfillment, and generous abundance.

Here are just a few questions to consider (there’s more!):

• Which changes will assist our growth and evolution and which ones will be nurturing, comforting and supporting to us at this time?
• How do we see tangible results?
• How will we use our creativity?
• How will we approach healthy risks?
• What has heart and meaning?
• Where is my spiritual center?
• How do I trust my inner knowing?
• What do I need for support for a deeper understanding of myself and others?

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