We all have intuitive gifts! Whether it is ‘seeing’ (clairvoyance), ‘hearing’ (clairaudience), or ‘knowing’ (clairsentience), or the many other ways people experience ‘extra senses’, we all can connect with the ‘unseen’. We have so much support from the other realms and today’s message is to remember to connect with your ‘support team’. Ask for a message, a sign, or even a scent (clairscent)!
November Numerology
In November, we are experiencing the vibration of the number 19 which incorporates the principles of collaboration, teamwork, partnership and cooperation. It is the SUN and I see it as our Inner Light. Let this light radiate to all you meet! Be a vehicle of Light and Love.
And when opportunities to join with others present themselves to you, consider whether they are inspirational, creative and innovative. Do they enhance your vitality and joy? If they do, it’s a YES. If not, let them go.
Afformation for this month:
- How is it that I am a natural motivator, leader, and contributor to original endeavors?
Extra special days this month (as I see it): 11-3-2015, 11-11-2015, 11-12-2015, 11-21-2105, 11-30-2015.
Really extra special day: 11-11-2015 with a Scorpio New Moon! (I’ll be starting the new Monthly Circles today)
Numerology and Cosmic Embodiment
Every month and every day, I analyze the energy and vibration of our calendar date. I love what I see, hear, and feel. I love sharing whatever nuggets I uncover. I am by no means, the only daily numerologist out there, but I like to think that I have a unique offering — one that opens minds and hearts to the greatest embodiment of our soul’s journey.
In honor of my profound respect for Angeles Arrien and the body of work that she brought through in her lifetime, I prefer to analyze the double numbers of the month rather than reducing them to their single number. Many texts and internet resources are available to look at numbers up to 999 — we have a lot to sort through to understand what the best support energies are for the year, month, and day.
After 35 years of study, I trust my intuition to guide me as I research and bring forth what I hope is information or a question that will support your journey with more ease and grace and passion.
Reading numerology and astrology charts is like reading music for an orchestra. Every number and combination of numbers have a theme and a variance for each individual. Their harmonies and dissonance add rich tapestry to our lives when we uncover their hidden meanings.
Not only do we have access to vast knowledge and wisdom, but we can have fun connecting with the support that universe gives us on the day of our birth. Every planet, house, and transit are like a theatre stage. If we choose to interact with the play, our lives can unfold with greater depth and meaning.
Life is filled with opportunities to grow each and every day. I love having a map that gives me strategies to navigate challenges and see the blessings of each day. I love sharing those maps with you!
In this digital era, we see our numbers on our computers and phones all day long. My intention with the Daily Cosmic Embodiment is to give us something to think about and truly embody each day. Slowing down to remember why we are given these precious days is part of my own very necessary daily practice.
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