Connect with yourself, cosmic guidance, your inner spark, and the soul of your business
Together, we will create a strong container to savor the delicious ingredients of your very full life!
- you
- your vitality
- your heart
- your relationships
- your family
- your spirit
- your body
- your sensuality
- your creativity
- your big vision
- your business
- your future
Full Day Includes:
- Visionary and strategic guidance for your business and personal life.
- Maps to navigate current power dates and times for launches, etc.
- Suggested tools to move through blocks and challenges.
- Affirmations for growth and inspiration.
- Visualization and meditation techniques to connect with your own natural intuition.
- Introduction to or deepening of your Sensuous Wisdom™ Movement Practice.
- Questions for deepening your connection to yourself, life, relationship and business.
- Lunch and snacks.
- Music list suggestions.
- Art supplies.
- mp3 recordings
- Follow up includes
- Two 60 minute integration sessions
- email/text support.
To read more, click here: https://deniseelizabethbyron.com/blog/yoni
Questions or to apply for your special day, please call: (541) 601-9096 or email: sensuouswisdom@deniseelizabethbyron.com
Want to learn more? Please fill out the contact form and Denise will get back to you.