How often do you take time for you during the winter months of ‘internal contemplation’?
Our external environments don’t always support time for self-reflection, self-care, and self- love. And, yet, we need to take care of ourselves even more during the winter with its cooler weather, exuberant holidays and family gatherings.
This day is created to honor our natural cycles of inward movement:
- relax
- listen deeply
- experience your Source of love, power, and joy
- connect with more energy for life, work, relationships
- open to your body’s sensuous wisdom and know you can heal, create, love, and be all that you want
- connect with a supportive community of powerful and heart-centered women
Please join me as we journey toward Winter Solstice, nourishing our inner light and love.
Space is limited so please reserve early. Early bird price is $275.
Please check back for 2017 dates or email sensuouswisdom@deniseelizabethbyron.com