Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment

Walkin’ on the Sun

Walkin’ on the Sun

Sometimes words stream easily through my fingers, but my thoughts splinter into tangents too quickly to capture and weave them into something meaningful and cohesive. This is one of those times. And I'm going to write it out anyway! September gives us opportunity to...

Heart’s Desire

Heart’s Desire

The New Moon in Leo Monday, we enter into the 2nd of two new moons in Leo exactly as the first total eclipse to be seen ONLY in the US since the 1200’s graces us with profound power! Leo…the lion…the one who remembers that courage starts with the heart, with love, and...

Prepare to Share Your Radiance!

Prepare to Share Your Radiance!

Right now, the cosmos is awash with energies that are pushing, pulling, tugging, and insisting that you make the changes that allow you to live with more purpose, passion, and pleasure. Monday’s (11:10 am PDT) Full Moon (Aquarius) lights up the shadows – nothing can...

Nurture Yourself!

Nurture Yourself!

This month you are being asked to ‘do the work that needs to be done’ which I think is to really tap deeply in to your own ability to restore your soul and move more toward what you really want for YOU. Choice is an important concept this month. When you are ‘at...

Honoring Your Roots

Honoring Your Roots

Happy Friday (day of the Goddess Freya)! I awoke EARLY today after less than 6 hours of sleep feeling a deep contentment that has, honestly, eluded me for a while. I am loving the joy that I know is moving more easily because I am using as many of my ‘tools’ as I can...

Healing & Restoration

Healing & Restoration

This month may well be one of the most important months of 2017. In addition to the planetary alignments, the numerology is quite potent. This extraordinary lotus is growing in our front yard! Nestled in against the hard rock and rising out of the mud is a deeply...