Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment
Slow down-speed up… It’s that time of year. What creates balance for you (8)? We have a double 8 day reminding us that equilibrium is vital right now. As you discover what increases your energy, how can you generate more of that? December Numerology Appropriately, the...
Today’s double 7 energy is a preview of next year’s theme! How open are you? How do your heart, mind and body work together? Taking some time for quiet on this busy weekend will be powerful and supportive. December Numerology Appropriately, the 12th month of the year...
Today’s triple 6 energy reminds us one more time that this year is about relationships and LOVE! Messages are embedded in numbers as a way to support our journeys here and give us clues that let the Mystery unfold a little bit more each day. How do you want to show up...
What is human love? What is divine love? Today’s double 5 day can give us a huge boost of understanding the simple complexity of Love. How do you love? December Numerology Appropriately, the 12th month of the year is, at its best, a time of gathering with loving...
Today’s energy reminds me of two ends of a sturdy bridge. The foundations (4) of a bridge are indisputably necessary. Without them, you cannot walk from one side to the other. So it is with change (13) in our lives. We must have strong foundations in order (literally)...
12-2-2013 Today’s energy comes from the intuitive realms and our dreamtime. If you take just a minute to close your eyes and tune in, what do you see or hear? There are beings all around us with messages, answers, and even questions to generate inspiration. What...
Radio Show
Every other Sunday at 6 pm Pacific, Denise hosts a radio show focusing on relationships. Relationships take all forms and starting with your self is the key! Find out more here: This week join Denise as she opens December with a...
Joyful celebration comes in many forms. How are guided today to share laughter? How are you moved to give? As this month ends, where have you found clarity and what questions linger? Please join me tomorrow morning 9 am PST for my monthly numerology meditation! Here...
Today’s emphasis is creating new innovations that will serve humanity. We are greeted with a double 11 giving us power and strength. What intentions will you set today with your actions and words?