Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment


Do you remember teeter-totters? Today’s energy reminds us that the phenomenon of dynamic balance is powerful. Sometimes equilibrium is restored through movement, sometimes through stillness (yesterday’s message). Which of your relationships feel ‘balanced’? December...


7 energy reminds us that stillness precedes movement. The ‘pause’ punctuates our stories, our music, and our lives accentuating what is lively, dramatic, and poignant. What will you give ‘pause’ for today? December Numerology Appropriately, the 12th month of the year...


The 24th brings much love (6) as well as good fortune through family. With the overall 15 (6), we are receiving a triple vibration of Love! This year’s theme of relationship has focused our awareness and brought to Light all that has needed to shift in order for our...


23/5 energy is a powerful reminder of change that arrives unexpectedly.  In an interesting juxtaposition from Christmas lists (expressed or hidden), today’s opportunity is about the mystery of how the universe works on our behalf. How open are you to receiving change?...


What risks are you willing to take that highlight your wisdom and love of self? How are you allowing life to bring you all that you desire? What is your relationship with your desires? Today’s 22 portal is powerful as it moves us solidly into a new phase. It arrives...


Being the full expression of who you are means embracing the shadows as much as the light. On this longest night of the year, we have an opportunity to see the elements of our selves that shine with joy (3). Letting go of the shadows (12) and letting in the light...


Do you remember your dreams from last night? Following the flow of energy, insight and creativity takes courage. How will you listen deeply and act from a place of ‘knowing’? December Numerology Appropriately, the 12th month of the year is, at its best, a time of...


The Solstice nears and we enter into gatherings of light. Today is a preparation day. Where is your source of light in your being? How will you share? December Numerology Appropriately, the 12th month of the year is, at its best, a time of gathering with loving spirit...


Luna's wisdom lights up the darkness this week as we glide toward the Solstice. 18 guides us with the equilibrium of truth. What does that feel like in your life? December Numerology Appropriately, the 12th month of the year is, at its best, a time of gathering with...