Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment
“Union” has many meanings and they all center around joining together. What parts of yourself do you want to reassemble during this 19 energy? With the overall 18, we have an opportunity to find the truth of who we are. January Numerology In January, we are invited to...
Soulmates and Divine Life Partners
Join Denise Elizabeth Byron as she and her guests explore the unseen realms of astrology, numerology, tarot, angelic guidance, the akashic records and more! This week, we are talking to Rochelle Kindell Stanley about Soulmates and Divine Life Partners! As a teacher...
8 energy flows with abundance today creating a powerful stream from which we can draw inspiration and nourishment. How will you use this boost? What can you create? January Numerology In January, we are invited to discover how we generate power and authority in our...
How are you nourishing your inner light? 17 energy brings a deep connection to our ‘enlightenment’. Today’s numbers contain a lot of 7 energy meaning that we are being given an opportunity to pause and reflect amidst the busy-ness of our lives. What is one thing you...
Powerful energy surges are possible today. How will you use this energy (also aligned with Mars – a pivotal planet this year) as it pours through your life? If you are born on the 16th, you have the ability to see easily what needs to change inside systems,...
Often identified with magic, the number 15 carries a powerful personal magnetism attracting good fortune of all kinds. Remember the wisdom passed along to a young Spider Man, “With great power comes great responsibility”? This is especially true for those born on the...
People born on the 14th have a vivid imaginations and are confused by narrow and rigid thinking. How might we all open to the wisdom that ‘thinking outside the box’ can bring us today? How might we open to the magic that is around us? With the overall 13 energy,...
As we awaken to more of who we are, things change and shift. They must. Change is one constant we live with each day. ‘13’ energy is transformative change, change that starts on the inside and moves us into new directions of evolution. With the overall ‘12’ energy, we...
Practical Magic Radio Show
Practical Magic: Divine Guidance for Purpose, Relationships and Life Join Denise and Christina Ann Sullivan, Certified Soul Coach and Past Life Regression Practioner, as we discuss how to improve your connection to your higher guidance, the other realms, your...