Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment


Today’s energy reminds me of the Caduceus, the symbol most often used for medical doctors. What can two snakes winding themselves around a staff tell us about our numerology today? Based on my research, Hermes’ magic wand represents the spine and the snakes represent...


Do you remember Sesame Street? “Today’s show is brought to you by the number 12.” Surrender, perspective, service and letting go… It’s a big double 12 day and we can enjoy the energy of freshness and lightness as we stay in the flow. What will support you today? I’m...


Today’s 11’s and 2’s are a fine tapestry of interwoven messages. If you were born on an 11 day, you are working with a powerful master number. You can draw upon the cosmic forces for inspiration. Combining an inventive, original, and creative mind with intuition gives...


You’ve probably noticed that we have double number days every day (and we will have a couple of triples) this month. This is thanks to the special number 9. I love the sequences, equations, systems, forms and mysteries of these numbers that are powerfully packed with...


An abundance of 9 energy enhanced with the flavor of 18 reminds us that the joy of authentically relating with love and wisdom creates more light-filled paths for ourselves and others. What is one thing you can do today to bring a little more love into someone else’s...


Double 8’s remind us to create balance where we can. With our emphasis on the spiritual world this year and the pathways of humanitarianism for February, we could ask ourselves how well our life is balanced between giving and receiving. Where can you restore the...


Triple 7’s sound lucky and they come with the caveat to slow down and look inward before leaping. While it’s not Christmas, I am reminded of the “7 Lords a-leaping”. If you consider the energy it takes to leap with grace and height as well as the necessary focus, you...


A 15/6 day means extra doses of Love! In some ways, this feels like ‘Valentine’s Day’ in the truest sense. The best question for today: how do you choose to share Love? Next best question: how might you share more? I’m excited to announce that my new (and first) Audio...