Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment
Power-filled, today brings in a vibration of prosperity. Change is the overall theme – internal and wise. How will you connect more deeply with yourself and your abundant nature? May Numerology May’s energy (12) reflects the other side of the 7 year with reminders...
How do you respond when someone re-visits your life? Do you embrace the opportunity or let it go? Today’s energy suggests that a creative response is best when someone or something shows up unexpectedly. May Numerology May’s energy (12) reflects the other side of the...
How are you utilizing your intuition to create more balance in your life? How well are you listening when ‘that little voice’ suggests you need to make a few changes for greater equilibrium? Today’s energy will support you as you become a well-balanced magnet for...
A double 7 day that totals a 19/10 gives us an opportunity to take a moment to deepen into the stillness of our own spiritual connection. As you check in with yourself, how do you feel? What do you want? How might your unique leadership help those around you right...
Our invitation today is to honor the nurturing energy all around us. What is one thing you might do today that brings you more pleasure? May Numerology May’s energy (12) reflects the other side of the 7 year with reminders that stillness, quiet, and contemplation will...
Celebrating the independent spirit is very appropriate for today. What’s needed for true freedom is the support of a strong foundation or structure. What form is needed for your life for more open exploration and innovation? May Numerology May’s energy (12) reflects...
Today suggests that our foundations can be re-created in ways that will bring more restoration and rejuvenation. Life is shifting quickly. How are you updating your life and strengthening what has the most value? May Numerology May’s energy (12) reflects the other...
Today feels celebratory on many levels. With Taurus leading the way through the zodiac and 3 having a strong resonance with this energy, we are reminded to get into our bodies and FEEL. Sensuality is also major theme of the overall 15, so we are doubly blessed. When...
Number 14 has always held a lot of mystery for me. Today is no exception and therein lies the essence of this magical and magnetic number. Its essence is being fully expressed with Love in the body. Movement, sensuality, communication are all qualities of the 14. The...