Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment
Today’s 14 energy invites us to engage with the joy of life, the senses in the body, and the wisdom of experience. As we begin this new month, what intentions are you affirming for yourself? June Numerology Internal growth and change are our themes this month. We are...
Celebration begins with the expression of authentic joy. What are you grateful for today? May Numerology May’s energy (12) reflects the other side of the 7 year with reminders that stillness, quiet, and contemplation will cultivate and nurture our hearts, minds,...
Double 5's with a 29/11 encourage us to use our freedoms wisely. What are you expanding in your life today? May Numerology May’s energy (12) reflects the other side of the 7 year with reminders that stillness, quiet, and contemplation will cultivate and nurture our...
Do-overs are a gift from the universe this week. Today's numerology dovetails nicely with the nodal astrology. What's up for review this week in your relationship realm? May Numerology May’s energy (12) reflects the other side of the 7 year with reminders that...
Special days inspire special efforts. What is one quality that you have consistently shared throughout your life? How might you celebrate a more focussed expression? May Numerology May’s energy (12) reflects the other side of the 7 year with reminders that stillness,...
Double fives and overall 17 remind us today that freedom and radiance are linked. What can you do to unleash that light so you can shine? May Numerology May’s energy (12) reflects the other side of the 7 year with reminders that stillness, quiet, and contemplation...
Today’s double 7 accentuates the powerful energy of 22. We are being given a spiritual power boost to move even more deeply into our own magical being so we can create ever more practical solutions to life’s challenges. How will you deepen your connection?...
How will you celebrate the beginning of the New Momentum? Today’s overall number suggests that fully embodying laughter is one of the best ways to enjoy forward movement. May Numerology May’s energy (12) reflects the other side of the 7 year with reminders that...
Ideas, energy and vitality find us today as we awake from dream-filled slumber. What have you dared to dream? And when will you move forward? May Numerology May’s energy (12) reflects the other side of the 7 year with reminders that stillness, quiet, and contemplation...