Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment


Feeling into your intuition is the way for today. Our body’s sensory system can be an excellent source of information. What will you do today to tune in and ask for guidance? The July Meditation mp3 is ready! Please email me for your...


  Full Moon today with the number of Surrender and an overall energy of Radiance! What can you release today that will allow your inner light to illuminate your soul’s work? The July Meditation mp3 is ready! Please email me for...


Elevens give us more direction and strength as they focus the energy of 1 (pioneering, leadership, direction, new beginning) with the connection of 2 (intuition, collaboration, connection). An 11 supported on both sides by 7 is a spiritual booster shot. And when you...


It’s finally here – a special full on triple 7 day! What magic does the universe have in store for you today?! And how might you want to listen very deeply and following the guiding energy from within? It’s a BIG day…have fun! If you would like to receive a...


Today’s 5 gives us lots of energy for shifting patterns that have been with us since childhood. What new expressions of you, your creativity, your being do you want to share with your community? If you would like to receive a complimentary meditation for July (to be...


What foundations are important for you to cultivate and maintain in order to be fully present in your life? Today’s energy invokes a structure that supports the emotional body. How can your sensitivity be a welcome and vital ally for a full life? If you would like to...


What nourishes your soul? For many people expressing their creativity is paramount for inner and outer health. For others, staying in touch with their feelings is crucial for self-nurturing. What is one thing you can do today to reconnect with your most radiant self?...


Today’s overall 16 qualifies as the third 7 in this triple seven day! We are connected to the nurturing energy of good fortune. How are you allowing the Universe to nourish and guide you right now? Rocky roads can turn into the most fertile ground for beauty. If you...


Playfully engaging the senses will bring out the best of today. Take a moment to focus on one sense at a time and make a note of how you feel as you take in the taste, scent, touch, sound, or feel of this day. If you would like to receive a complimentary meditation...