Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment


Transforming the way we see things means we can create more solid foundations. Today’s energy gives us a choice to see our connection with others in new ways. How do you feel connected to the people on this planet? How would you like to see that deepen or change?...

Summer Break for the Radio Show

With the long days and warm nights, I think our Practical Magic is best found in playful, spiritual, fun, and inventive interactions with friends and family! The Radio Show will return in the Fall with a great line up of guests!  


How are you loving with wisdom? Today brings a deepening of the dance between the inner self and Love from the highest self. The August Numerology Meditation is ready! Please click HERE for access! August Numerology There are 2 simple keys to moving through this...


Love can open new worlds for us. How are you connecting with Love for yourself and then bringing that Love into this world? How can we work together to create new paradigms based in Love? The August Numerology Meditation is ready! Please click HERE for access!...


Listen to the wisdom you carry within you, and you will be guided. Discern the guidance with your intelligent mind, and you will choose well. Connect the choice with your loving heart, and you will live fully. Enjoy the pleasures of this deep dive kinda day! The...


Today is a double 7 day – another excellent reminder that when we listen deeply with powerful discernment, we can confidently follow the impulse from within to move closer to our big dreams and visions. August Numerology There are 2 simple keys to moving through this...


We wind up this month being reminded to review how we are being guided and how we are guiding others. What will support you in finding your authentic voice right now? The July Meditation mp3 is ready! Please email me for your copy. July...


Today’s 7-7-7 energy reminds us to Listen, Re-connect, Be, Trust, and Choose Movement from a place of Depth. This is our last direct 7-7-7 until 2023. Each 7-7-7 adds up to 21 – the global number. How can we listen more deeply to truth, to love, and to what really...


Today’s energy of gathering suggests that we pause a moment to be clear about what we want to gather. How might you utilize the energies of abundance and joy in your life right now? The July Meditation mp3 is ready! Please email me for...