Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment
Daily Cosmic Embodiment 7.1.2015
July Numerology 2015 Alchemy Alchemy is the transmutation of a common substance into something of greater value. When we combine our themes this month: magic, enchantment, sensuality, and laughter with the ‘ordinary’ (BTW I really question whether anything is really...
Daily Cosmic Embodiment: 5.1.2015
May Numerology Taking our cues from the Celtic Calendar*, Sunday’s Full Moon in Scorpio and numerological meaning of the number 13, one of May’s (many) invitations is to check out the powerful mysteries within ourselves and beyond. Transformation is one the key words...
Daily Cosmic Embodiment: 4.1.2015
April Numerology Welcome to April! The first quarter of the year has flown by but not without some powerful energies to contend with as we move through the alignment and adjustment brought on by the Universal 8. Long sentence for a simple truth: Life will seek its own...
Daily Cosmic Embodiment: 3.20.2015
Change, abundant creativity and integration are in the air today! Happy Equinox! Today’s 20 reminds us that we are filled with infinite creativity from our Divine Source. The overall 13 is the gatekeeper of the eclipse portal giving us the keys to change and...
Daily Cosmic Embodiment: 3.8.2015
Today’s double 8 energy gives us a boost of inner balance that we can apply to our most cherished relationships. As you commit to self-care, you commit to cultivating and nurturing your own energy source. When you bring your full & nourished self to any of your...
Opening up to what is more expansive may also mean letting go. How can detachment be a healthy and easeful experience?
February’s Celestial Support
Here we go! It’s a 10 month which means it’s time to rock and roll! In keeping with other traditions that start our new year a bit later than January 1st, this year’s numerology gives us the green light this month to plant new seeds, use our vision boards,...
What a fantastic day to open up to new ways of creating and building stronger foundations in our lives! During this year of True Wealth and Abundance, what INSIDE you is ready to grow? This is a day to really focus on what is moving you towards your ‘greater yet to...
Visionary Strategy Using Numerology and Astrology Allows us to use the Celestial Support System as a navigation tool for Life, Business, and Relationships Are you ready to: Find your focus and get to the root of your ambition for your business Discover the cycles that...