Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment
Daily Cosmic Embodiment
11-26-2015 Special double 8 day invites you to take time to listen to your heart, soul, and your divine support system. What sweet whisperings are you hearing that move you towards your most radiant self? November Numerology In November, we are...
Daily Cosmic Embodiment
11-25-2015 Special double 8 day reminds us to stay in balance we must take time to listen to your heart, soul, and your divine support system. What sweet whisperings are you hearing that move you towards your most radiant self? ...
Daily Cosmic Embodiment
11-24-2015 How is your heart today? Remembering to tend to yourself is vital to embracing this season with more ease. November Numerology In November, we are experiencing the vibration of the number 19 which incorporates the principles of...
Daily Cosmic Embodiment
11-23-2015 Love is in the air today. Breathe it in. As you gaze upon a loved one, how does the energy of love feel in your body? November Numerology In November, we are experiencing the vibration of the number 19 which incorporates the principles...
Daily Cosmic Embodiment
11-22-2015 Today is a big day for change. On the soul’s journey there are twists and turns that lead to unexpected encounters, surprising revelations, and buried treasure. What has been shown to you today? How will your life be different from this point forward?...
Daily Cosmic Embodiment
11-21-2015 Special portal days give us opportunities to lighten our hearts and souls by connecting to our deepest desires and witnessing the Universe work its magic. What is one thing you can do today to live with more enchantment? ...
Daily Cosmic Embodiment
11-20-2015 We all have intuitive gifts! Whether it is ‘seeing’ (clairvoyance), ‘hearing’ (clairaudience), or ‘knowing’ (clairsentience), or the many other ways people experience ‘extra senses’, we all can connect with the ‘unseen’. We have so much support from the...
Daily Cosmic Embodiment
11-19-2015 One of our most important gifts given to each of us is our intuition! Today we are reminded that we can use our intuition for the greater good. How might you ‘tune in’? November Numerology In November, we are experiencing the vibration...
Daily Cosmic Embodiment
11-18-2015 How are you honoring your inner rhythms today? Our celestial support is shining love and light on us today. November Numerology In November, we are experiencing the vibration of the number 19 which incorporates the principles of...