Blog: Your Monthly Cosmic Embodiment

Cosmic Embodiment: July 2016

Cosmic Embodiment: July 2016

Universal Themes for July 2016: Healing & Restoration This month may well be one of the most important months of 2016. In addition to the planetary alignments (and re-alignments), the universal numbers line up for some much needed healing and restoration before...

Cosmic Embodiment: June 2016

Cosmic Embodiment: June 2016

Universal Themes for June 2016: Play & Laughter This month brings more opportunities for play! This may sound counter-intuitive, but play is really not optional especially if life is stressful. One of the things that life’s cycles teaches us is that when life gets...

Cosmic Embodiment: May 2016

Cosmic Embodiment: May 2016

Universal Theme for May 2016: Creative & Magnetic This month brings more creativity and magnetism. You’ve got energy to work with this year and May brings excellent activations and support! Sexuality, Life Force & Aliveness are important themes for this month....

Cosmic Embodiment: April 2016

Universal Theme for April 2016: The Courage to Be...through Completion, Change, and Caring If this month finds you wondering how much more change is on the horizon, you’re in good company. Whether you are ready for a vacation from life or excited about the...

New Moon in Pisces & Solar Eclipse

Tomorrow’s New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Pisces herald an opportunity for personal and collective healing. One of the keys to this healing is ‘letting go’ which happens to correspond nicely with this month’s numerology. Perhaps there is a divine design after all... As...

Cosmic Embodiment: March 2016

Universal Theme for March 2016: Letting Go & Making Room Are there are any areas of your life (relationships, work, creativity, spirituality, health, prosperity) where you feel stuck or restricted in any way? If you’ve answered yes, good news is here! March brings...

Cosmic Embodiment: February 2016

Theme for February 2016: Renewed Passion This is the month where your energy returns and your creativity soars. Which activities, projects and relationships feel juicy and delicious? Let your creativity have its expression. Don’t hold back! You have more and more...

Cosmic Embodiment: 2016’s Themes

Universal Theme for 2016: Resolutions that lead to wisdom Do you remember the invisible bridge Indiana Jones must cross in order to save his father in the “Last Crusade”? He’s poised on the precipice, knowing that what he seeks is on the other side of a huge chasm,...

Daily Cosmic Embodiment

12-31-2015 What a great number to end the year — the overall 15 gives us an opportunity to find the joy even amidst the challenge. How can you create some laughter to help release this year and ring in 2016? December Numerology December brings us...