Join Denise Elizabeth Byron as she and her guests explore the unseen realms of astrology, numerology, tarot, angelic guidance, the akashic records and more! This week, we are talking to Rochelle Kindell Stanley about Soulmates and Divine Life Partners!

Kindell Stanley 2013 Headshot 2 - Devi Pride PhotographyAs a teacher and guide, she works with individuals and teaches classes designed for healing obstacles and blocks keeping us from our best lives, relationships, work and more.

After my interview, we will be taking your calls!

2014 is the Year of Practical Magic!

This is the year to feel into the stillness, the pauses, the stops before moving forward with even greater momentum. Tune in for ideas and support to deepen and strenghten your faith and trust.

With over 30 years of experience, Denise brings her insight, knowledge and intuitive gifts to her work with creative entreprenuers and individuals. Known as a Visionary Guide, she offers unique and custom designed sessions and programs that encourage her clients to live a fully delicious life!

Please join us!

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