Universal Theme for March 2016: Letting Go & Making Room
Are there are any areas of your life (relationships, work, creativity, spirituality, health, prosperity) where you feel stuck or restricted in any way?

If you’ve answered yes, good news is here! March brings into focus some of the guiding principles of ‘letting go’ & ‘getting unstuck’ so you can make room for more of what you want, more of what you love, more of who you are, and more ways the divine magic can work through you.

  • What are your most important guiding values?
  • As you have grown and changed over the years, what core values have stayed with you through the tests of time and experience?

When your actions flow from these values, you will find life unfolding with greater ease. And ease is not always ‘easy’. Ease is that feeling of limitlessness, of being in the flow, of ‘knowing’ that you’re moving in the right direction.

If you want to change a habit or a pattern, the new ‘behavior’ must align with your core values and beliefs. Is I want to ‘work out ‘ more, it will be easier if

  1. I have a core value around health and wellness that includes exercise.
  2. I believe that exercise is going to help me feel better.

On the surface, this may seem very basic. But as someone who has had a lot of injuries from ‘exercise’, I might hesitate at beginning a new workout routine. I might be concerned that I won’t feel better, I will spend more money on physical care and therapy, and the payoff would not really bring me greater health or wellness.

So, I check my core value around health and confirm that it does include moderate exercise. I look at my fears around injuries and address them one by one. My decision (aligned with my core values) to create a new pattern is to hire a personal trainer once a week to take me through the restorative exercises that will support my health, well-being, and allow me to exercise safely.

There are a multitude of options when we are willing to let go and allow our experiences to generate new wisdom.

It’s time to figure out what is working and what is not.

When you prune away what has not worked, what are you left with?

  • What might you prune away in order to reach your highest potential for relationship with self and others?
  • What beliefs and outworn structures are ready to be released?

Letting go really means gaining new perspectives and allowing for a freshness to wash over your life. Beginning anew with spring feels like a deep breath and a sigh of relief!

Practical Magic:
One of my favorite rituals for letting go is the highly acclaimed ‘vacuum cleaner cord’ visualization.

Whatever it is that you need/want to let go of:

  • Imagine it right in front of you.
  • See your connection to that habit, person, or project, whatever it is as a cord, a literal cord.
  • Unplug the cord from what you want to release.
  • Ask that it be cleaned and cleared with healing light and love.
  • Allow the cord to retract fully back into you just like that vacuum cleaner.

Key Words:
Love, Freedom, Growth, Pattern-breaking, Evolution

Recommended Essential Oils:
Young Living Release, Valor
doTERRA Peace, Forgive, Motivate

Things to watch for:
Abundance: more energy to prune and release yourself from patterns.
Integrity: remembering your values and truths.
Patterns: energy is available to break the ones that don’t work.

Challenges to navigate:
Past sorrow: old grief surfaces in order to be cleansed and healed.
Restrictions: perceived or real they are ready to be released.
Patterns: they are here to be reviewed and changed as needed.

Affirmations to repeat:

I enjoy look at the same situation from as many different perspectives as possible.

I value breaking ineffective old patterns.

I trust and have faith in the deep essence of who I am.

I surrender to the higher design and to God’s will.[1]

Blessings on their way:
Love, Abundance, Wisdom, Work

Your Sensuous Wisdom™ Reflection Question:

  1. As you break away from old patterns and habits that are not for your highest good, what feels more delicious?

[1] Angeles Arrien, The Tarot Handbook (New York: Tarcher-Putnam, 1987), p. 70.

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